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International relations and diplomatic affairs

Notice Board

Questions about fees, exemptions and scholarships? Talk to us on Fridays!

Join the online meetings in which University of Bologna and ER.GO operators offer information on fees, opportunities for exemption or reduction, and how to obtain right-to-study benefits

Contributions for contributions for health costs for non-resident students

If you are a non-resident student at the University of Bologna and you have an ISEE not exceeding €35,000.00, you can apply for the competition to request contributions. Application deadline: 11 July.

Le borse di studio del Governo della Repubblica di Serbia per l’anno accademico 2024/2025

Il Ministero dell’Istruzione della Repubblica di Serbia offre ai cittadini della Repubblica Italiana borse di studio per i corsi estivi di lingua serba e per il perfezionamento specialistico

International Talents @Unibo

Unibo awards 80 scholarships to deserving international students who wish to enrol in degree programmes in the a. y. 2024/25.