Outgoing students must fill in a Learning Agreement through the AlmaRM online platform and get the approval before departure. Please make sure to submit your LA well in advance considering possible periods of office closures.
To fill in your LA you must access to AlmaRM and enter subjects/activities to be undertaken abroad on the left panel and on the right panel activities/subjects to be recognised at the end of your mobility following the instructions on the manual available on the AlmaRM personal page.
Exchange coordinators will receive a notification from the AlmaRM system and will be invited to evaluate the document online paying attention to:
-the content of the subjects/activities;
-the number of credits of each teaching activity in relation to the workload expressed in hours;
-the activities that will be recognised.
In case of doubts on the actual equivalence between the courses provided by the Host Institution and those of the sending University, the exchange coordinator may contact the UNIBO professor in charge of the subject. The correspondence between the number of credits to be achieved abroad and the number of CFUs is not the only criteria for assuring the existence of an equivalence between the activities. In case of lack of correspondence in the number of credits, the UNIBO exchange coordinator should also check the actual workload and the contents of the courses held at the host University.
The UNIBO exchange coordinator can help students to identify the corresponding area field (CFU in SSD) for those activities not included in the curricula of the University of Bologna.
If required, the Italian Exchange Coordinator may specify in the notes field FOR THE VALIDATION of the LA the eventual additional activities that the student may have to carry out after the conclusion of the exchange programme, thus clearly indicating the number of CFUs of the supplementary activity to be included.
Once validated by the UNIBO exchange coordinator, the LA must receive a final approval by the Degree Programme Coordinator. The student will receive a notification by the system and will be able to download a copy of the document (LA) signed by the Coordinator directly from AlmaRM (“Dettaglio LA”).
In case of a stay from 3 to 6 months, Undergraduate students cannot enter in the Learning Agreement activities to be recognised for a total CFU higher than 30, and 32 for Graduates (LM students); from 7 to 12 months, Undergraduate students can achieve a total CFU of 60, and 64 for Graduates (LM students).
In case the receiving university requires a provisional Learning Agreement for the application before its approval on AlmaRM, the UNIBO exchange coordinator is entitled to sign it.
The LA can be changed TWICE, regardless of the duration of the exchange. However, for exchanges lasting 6 months or less, it is recommended to change the Learning agreement only ONCE.
The first change to the original LA can be made within 5 weeks from the start of lessons at the Host University (only for Erasmus + mobility students).
The changes to the original LA has to be validated by the UNIBO exchange coordinator and signed for approval by the Degree Programme Coordinator.
After the online approval by the Coordinator, students will be able to download the updated version of the LA (digitally approved by the Degree Programme Coordinator) from “Dettaglio LA→PRINT ”. If the Host University requires a signed hard copy of the document, you can ask the International Relations Office.
In order to obtain the recognition of the activities taken abroad, students must upload the Transcript of Records on AlmaRM and
Or (as an alternative)
After the validation of the Transcript by the International Relations Office, students will be able to submit online the recognition request. The UNIBO exchange coordinator will proceed to the grades conversion into the Italian grading system. Students may request recognition for all the activities stated in the ToR even if they haven’t been included in the LA.
In case of rejection the recognition request, the UNIBO exchange Coordinator will provide the reasons for his refusal on ALMARM.
After the final approval of the recognition by the Degree Programme Coordinator, the Students Registry Office will update the student’s career.
Students enrolled in a Master’s Degree programme (except for Mirees students) must contact their Programme Coordinator whether it is necessary to update the study plan.
In case the student has not obtained the expected number of CFU – for example, following an exam failure–integrative learning activities will be envisaged: during the phase of recognition, the exchange coordinator will cut down the missing CFU from the total amount of credits to be recognized. The recognition request will have to be validated and approved and the Student Registry Office will then create the integrative activity that the student is expected to take and pass, as any other exam. The average grade between (one or more) learning activities will be calculated by the Student Registry Office and not by the exchange coordinator.
Students will be able to check their career on Studenti Online.
We remind you that partial exams taken abroad, that have not passed the recognition phase, will not be on the records untill recognition has been completed.
Please note, that the (“Libretto”) or record book is not reliable for reference for all subjects taken abroad, but for more updated and complete information on your study records, please download the appropriate certificate online.
Changes to the original LA |
Validation of the original LA changes |
Approval of the original LA changes (if any) |
By 5 weeks from the beginning of lectures at the receiving instituition |
By the Unibo exchange coordinator |
By the coordinator of the degree programme directly through AlmaRM |
Submission of the Recognition Request on AlmaRm by the student |
Validation of the Recognition Request |
Approval of the Recognition Request |
Career update |
By the student after having obtained the validation of the Transcript of Records by the International Relations Office |
By the exchange coordinator through AlmaRM |
By the course coordinator |
By the Student Registry Office within 5 weeks from the date of application |
How can we help you: Information about teaching matters for incoming and outgoing mobility programmes within and outside the EU, Learning Agreement and credit recognition.
E-mail campusforli.uri@unibo.it
Phone +39 0543 374812 Orario telefonico Tuesday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Thursday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Address Piazzale Solieri,1 - Padiglione Melandri – piano terra – 47121 Forlì Orario apertura al pubblico
Other information Schedule via email an online appointment on Ms Teams or an in-person reception.