First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in International relations and diplomatic affairs

Internship Instructions for Companies/Organizations

The relationship with the University of Bologna is materialized after entering a framework agreement between the parties aimed at regulating the relations between the parties involved: i.e., the University of Bologna and the host company/organization. The scheme used for this relationship is denominated "framework agreement" because it is open to all the Degree Programmes activated at the University of Bologna. The host company/organization shall not bear any administration costs except those associated with the tax stamps (4 stamps of €16,00 each for curricular internships or 2 stamps for postgraduate internships); public institutions and voluntary associations are exempted for their payment, as specified in Art. 13 of the framework agreement template.

How to activate a framework agreement

A company/organization interested in starting up a relationship with the University for the purposes of internships or training activities can access the Online Service and register to it by entering its data as prompted by the application. At the end of the operation, the company/organization’s request will be visible to the Internship Office of the University, which is then responsible for submitting it to the Internship Committee. After obtaining the approval, the company/organization will be contacted by the Internship Office to enter and conclude an agreement.

How to publish internship/training opportunities

The company/organization having entered an agreement with the University can then publish its opportunities for both the curricular internships and/or the vocational/training apprenticeships. To do so, the company/organization must access the Online Service by entering its credentials, and then follow the appropriate procedure (see the relevant Internship Manuals for companies/organizations).

An internship opportunity can be general (addressed to one or more Degree Programmes) or "ad personam" (addressed to a specific individual); in this latter case, it is necessary to select the option "L'offerta è destinata esclusivamente a specifiche persone" ("The opportunity is exclusively destined to specific persons"), and then enter the trainee's tax payer code.

Tax incentives are available for companies hiring young people within 6 months from their graduation/obtainment of the degree (source: "Il Sole 24 ore")