What is a study plan?
The study plan is the complete set of exams that you need to sit in order to graduate. Some exams are compulsory, while others are elective.
A study plan can be presented by properly enrolled students who have paid their tuition fees and, in the case of international students, who hold a valid residence permit.
When to present your study plan
You can present and amend your study plan in these periods during the academic year:
- 1° period: from 16 September to 21 November 2024
- 2° period: from 12 February 2025 to 7 March 2025
- 3° period: from 13 to 30 May 2025
Following expiry of the deadlines, the last study plan presented will be deemed valid and no further amendments may be made.
How to present your study plan
The study plan can be presented:
- via Studenti Online by enrolled students who, accessing the website using their University usernames and passwords:
- need to add optional subjects to their plan;
- need to amend choices made in prior years.
After making the desired choices, remember to click on “save” so that your study plan can be presented correctly.
It is also advisable to print a copy of your completed study plan. This copy is in fact the only way to check for formal or substantive errors that might arise after uploading your study plan.
- with Hard-copy forms. Students who are “fuori corso” (past envisaged completion time for the degree course) or who have transferred in cannot use the Studenti Online system and must use the hard-copy forms.
All parts of the form must be completed correctly and delivered to administrative office.
Approval of your study plan
If you select elective subjects from among those offered by the degree programme, there is no need for assessment and your plan is approved automatically and input to your career file.
On the other hand, if you want to choose exams not specifically offered by your degree programme, approval or otherwise will be decided by Board of the Study Programme..