Curriculum International Tourism and Leisure Industries

Quality Assurance Committee and other Committees

In order to carry out some of its functions, the Degree Programme Board is assisted by committees comprised of teachers involved in the programme. These committees are listed below, indicating their specific functions and contact persons.

Quality Assurance Committee 

The Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee helps the Coordinator to monitor the quality assurance procedures and promote a culture of quality.

For this purpose, the Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for:

  • verifying implementation of the improvement measures approved in the annual report of the Degree Programme Board;
  • monitoring the careers of students, their opinions about the learning activities and their level of satisfaction at the end of the programme, as well as graduate employment rates;

  • reporting the results of its monitoring activities to the Degree Programme Board.  

University regulations require the Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee to comprise the Coordinator and other members of the Degree Programme Board, including student representatives:

  • − Giovanni Prarolo (Director)
    − Patrizia Battilani (Professor)
    − Elias Carroni (Professor)
    − Federica Farneti (Professor)

 Internship Committee

Tasks of the internship committee of the Degree Programme:

  1. give opinion about the eligibility of a new structure to sign the agrement with Unibo;
  2. suggest new agreements;
  3. suggest improvement ​for a profitable internship experience;
  4. approve internship programmes, upon student's requests;
  5. nominate or approve the academic tutor;
  6. validate the intership, receive the requred reports and documents about the correct registration of internship presence as to confirm the acquisition of credits and update of the students' career;
  7. evauation activity about recognition of extra university activities to replace the internship;
  8. give opinion and instructions to the Internship office about the renewal or resolution of any Agreement according to inadequancy of any kind ​related to the internship;
  9. annual report about the evaluation of internship for the School Advisory Council; 
  10. report the Guidelines for the Internship Office, in cooperation with the Directors of the degree programmes, giving criteria and limitations about the management of the Interships. Guidelines have to report delegation of activities for academic tutors, acording to ​monitoring activities and validation ​of the internship.

The Internship Committee is supported by the Internship Office of the ​Campus of Rimini