Curriculum International Tourism and Leisure Industries

Final examination: procedures and deadlines

Instruction for graduating students

Graduation procedures 

The graduation is achieved upon discussion of the Final Dissertation, which is meant as final assessment of the Learning outcomes of the Degree Programme. The final examination consists in writing a short paperon a subject pertinent to your studies, elaborated in an original way, (with or without the guidance of a teacher, who is NOT, however, an official supervisor). The dissertation will be discussed publicly during a specific final examination session in front of a Board (at least 3 member, of which 2 professors of the degree programme). The Board will assess your performance using your curriculum as a reference. You have to prepare a presentation (slides) for the discussion and the Commission may ask you in-depth questions on methods, results and any developments of your work.

Graduation application

Enter Studenti Online within the deadlines set for the application submission (Graduation) and the requirements (see below), in order to submit your online application

On the website, you will be required to select a graduation session. It will however also ask you to select a supervisor, for which you simply have to select one of the faculty members in the "Graduation Board" of the graduation session you apply for (regardless the topic of your final thesis).

Admission Requirements

The graduation application is valid for just one graduation session. If you graduate in a later session, you will have to re-submit your graduation application (select a different supervisor) and pay only the duty stamp.

Graduation fees: €32, valid for the entire academic year.  The payment slip is generated automatically at the end of the online application procedure and can be downloaded from “studenti on-line" ​under “TAX SITUATION”. Payment method: online with credit card, or at any Unicredit branch, upon presentation of the payment ​code.

Should you miss to graduate for the declared session, you should inform the Students administrative office, and apply anew for another session. In that case:

  1. if the next session is within the same academic year, you do not have to pay any amount for the new application;
  2. if the next session is during the following academic year, you must pay € 16.00 for the renewal of the application for graduation.

Fullfillment of the requirements

All exams must be completed. Please check on AlmaEsami that your exams and credits have been registered. N.B. Please check the correct registration of all exams on "Certificates and self-certifications"

  1. Finalize online procedure (payment of extra fees);
  2. Fill in the application form online > "Graduation":

Final requirements

    • Fill in Almalaurea questionnaire online (or exemption form for those who do not fill in the online questionnaire);
    • Final check for fees and exams;
    • Online Committee member's approval

GPA and defense schedule

The GPA  will be available on this page (see Attachments) no earlier than the week before graduation session.

The Graduation Committee, the schedule of the defense and the list of graduating students will be available online about two weeks before the defense date (see Attachments).


The Board will assess the candidate's overall performance – dissertation, curriculum, time taken to complete their studies, transfers from another University or another programme – applying specific rules for each Degree Programme.
The Board expresses its assessment with a grade out of one hundred and ten. The exam is deemed to be passed with a minimum grade of 66/110 and a maximum grade of 110/110. In the case of granting a maximum grade, the Board may also grant honours (lode) by unanimous decision.
See the information on how to calculate the average score based on your study programme

  • The criteria to assess dissertations are:

    • originality of the subject,
    • correct methodology,
    • level of in-depth analysis,
    • adequate writing and editing,
    • ability to express and present the dissertation.

    For further information on the matriculation of the previous years, see the website page.

    The Final Examination Board, having taken into consideration the dissertation discussion and your curriculum, will decide the final grade, which will be proclaimed after the discussion (or published on the last day of the Graduation Session on Studenti Online).

The following elements can be added to the weighted GPA:

  • 0,33 points for each Laude;

  • Graduation in due time:

    - within July: 3 ​points
    - within December: 2 ​points
    - within March: 1 point

  • 1 point to all candidates with lower grade not below 21/30

  • 1 point to the students that spent an exchange period abroad (Erasmus, Overseas)

  • Points for the final project ​from 0 ​to 3 points according to the decision of the committee;
  • final grade Cum Laude in case of appropriate requirements.

Winter graduation session (March)

Students expecting to graduate by the ​Winter session do not have to pay the fees for current academic year.

  • In case payment has been provided (although not necessary), and the student graduates within the winter session, reimbursement will be refunded automatically, but the duty stamp. In this case the  enrolment in the new academic year will be cancelled. To request the refund of regional taxes, the student must contact the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education (ER.GO) directly.
  • In case payment for the current accademic year (started in October) has not been provided, as the student ​planned to graduate within the winter session (by March), but for any reason, fails to do so, the student will have to pay the full amount of the tuition fees for the current academic year, plus the extra fees for the delay, before registering for any activities, graduation procedure included. 

Graduation ceremony 

The proclamation and announcement of the final grade will take place (immediately after the discussion). The President (or a delegate) will proceed with the proclamation for each candidate.

Rules of Conduct

When the final examinations take place, candidates and guests must comply with the following rules of conduct.

  • Arrive on time at the scheduled venue;
  • Wait for their turn, without causing disruption to any other teaching activities;
  • Do not stand in the indoor area after the proclamation;
  • Celebrations must take place outside avoiding excesses and maintaining a sober and appropriate behaviour.

Littering (indoor and outdoor spaces) with food, drinks and confetti is strictly forbidden.  In the event of disturbances, the President of the Examination Board is authorised to suspend the session.