Representatives in charge of providing prior information
Since 2007 the Programme Board of each Degree Programme has identified a representative in charge of examining the paperwork of students who are transferring to ITALI degree programme, as well as of offering a first evaluation concerning the CFU recognition.
The information provided by the representative is merely indicative, unofficial and non-binding for the Degree Programmes. Indeed, the Degree Programme Board only is entitled to officially decide on the recognition of academic credits from previous Degree Programmes (according to the rules established by the specific Degree Programme Regulations).
The interested student must send the self-certification of university degree and exams taken, namely a dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione o dell'atto di notorietà – a duly signed declaration which substitute a certification (in accordance with art. 15 L. 183/2012)– with the list of exams taken, settore scientifico disciplinare (SSD) – scientific disciplinary sector –, credits (CFU) and exams date at:
General info for the recognition of credits
The recognition of a previous learning activity can be either integral or partial. In case of a partial recognition, the student must contact the professor for the definition of an additional program.
The idoneità (qualifying exams) are not recognized as exams for the bachelor’s degree courses. It is possible, by providing the appropriate documents to the Student Administration Office, to request the recognition of the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) for 3 CFU in the SSD INF/01 among electives.
The request of recognition can be submitted in case of English-taught activities only.
Students transferring from Degree Programmes with the same degree programme class
The gained academic credits are recognized up to the credits within the same area code (SSD) planned by the course structure diagram, complying with the respective scientific disciplinary areas and with the types of learning activities.
The share of credits related to the same scientific disciplinary sector directly recognized to the student cannot be less than the 50% of those already accrued.
Students transferring from Degree Programmes with a different degree programme class, from telematic universities, and from international Degree Programmes
The recognition is implemented up to the credits planned by the course structure diagram (without the restriction of area and type).
The recognition is based on:
a) the analysis of the conducted programme;
b) the matching of both sectors and contents of the learning activities with the programme aims specific to the Degree Programme.
The Degree Programme Board can recognize unused residual credits by evaluating each single case.
Credits obsolescence
The Degree Programmes apply an “obsolescence” criterion and do not recognize the exams taken before a certain time period with respect to the transfer request. Specifically, the credits (identified by scientific disciplinary sector) gained before the following time periods are not recognized:
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
of the learning activity
Obsolescence period
L-ART/02 L-ART/06
8 years
8/10 years
MAT/03 MAT/05 MAT/09 SECS-S/06
No obsolescence
10 years
15 years
10 years
SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02 SECS-P/03 SECS-P/05 SECS-P/06 SECS-P/12 M-GGR/01 M-GGR/02
8 years
To be defined
IUS/01 IUS/04 IUS/05 IUS/07 IUS/09 IUS/10 IUS/12
8 years
10 years
SPS/07 SPS/08
8 years