Curriculum International Tourism and Leisure Industries

Tuition fees 2017/2018

Amounts, deadlines and payment methods for students enrolling on a Degree Programme at the University of Bologna in the first year or subsequent years.

The University of Bologna has a new system for calculating tuition feesAll students pay based on their Equivalent Financial Situation Indicator (ISEE).

Max amount to be paid: € 1.554,00 per year.

Full exemption is granted for ISEE values up to €23,000.00. Above this threshold, the tuition fee increases proportionally to the ISEE value, with special subsidies for the lowest incomes.

All details are fully explained in the Unibo web site

For specific questions, please contact the appropriate office:

Requesting the ISEE calculation

You can contact the INPS, the CAF (Tax Assistance Centre) or the Municipality and you must expressly request the ISEE calculation for services for the right to higher education.

Income and assets of international students

If you are an international student, you cannot request an ISEE calculation, but you must submit the necessary documentation for verifying your economic situation.

If your family resides and receives income and/or owns assets in Italy, you must request the ISEE calculation.To pay a tuition fee calculated based on your economic situation, you must submit the application before 15/12/2017.