Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Architecture and creative practices for the City and Landscape

Programme aims

The aim ofthe second cycle degree programme in Architecture and creative practices forthe city and landscape is to train architects with specific skills in sustainabledesign, management and optimization of complex projects of built environment transformation, particularly those implemented within innovative public-private partnerships andrecurring to co-design and participatory design methods, so with significantskills in adopting creative, non-conventional approaches to defining thecontents and strategies of intervention right from the promotion and designphases, then defining and developing consistent design solutions and checkingthe feasibility with the various stakeholders at each stage of the projectprogress.
To achieve this goals thecurriculum is set to training students acquirefull command of the methodological and operational aspects of architecturaldesign, with strong competencies in the fields of architectural design, historyand restoration, architectural technologies, urban planning, representation,but stands out from other curricula in the same class because of its strongmulti- and trans-disciplinary approach.
In order to appropriately meetthe needs of the reference markets, in addition to the core competenciesdemanded of second cycle graduates in Architecture, this degree programmeintegrates other subjects, including:
- the social, economic andcultural interactions of the sustainable transformation of cities and theterritory, inspired by the principles of the circular economy and based onparticipatory models and stakeholder partnerships, in a highlyinterdisciplinary context marked by the interaction with creative businessesand activities with a direct impact on the city and the territory;
- also in terms of environmentaldesign, attention to the emerging global issues of energy efficiency, climatechange, the imperatives of economic and social resilience, tackled usinganalytical and innovative design skills, projected into international contextsand able to integrate knowledge and creative models in original approachessupporting the transformation of the built environment in line with the need toimprove the quality of cities and the territory, understood as the common good.
Consistently with the learningoutcomes, the teaching - delivered entirely in the English language - ischaracterised by highly practical multidisciplinary laboratories withcontributions from various interdisciplinary strategic areas of research,aiming to improve the competencies acquired by the students and allowing themto understand the synergies between different approaches.
In the first year of theprogramme, the curriculum focuses particularly on the acquisition of methodsand instruments for analysing the context's characteristics and their dynamics,with contributions from different subject areas (architectural composition,urban planning, architectural technologies, drawing and representation, historyof architecture and aesthetics) in four design studios parallelly developed during the semester (two for each). Inthe second year, the multidisciplinary laboratory structure is maintained forthe first semester, with activities aiming to define intervention strategiesand formulate design hypotheses, developed not only using the skills learned duringthe first year but also with the contribution of subjects covering sociology,environmental physics, surveying and structural engineering.
The second semester of the secondyear is devoted to internship and preparation of the final dissertation.
Consistently with these learningoutcomes, the course structure diagram includes the following subjects:Architectural and Urban Composition (ICAR/14) and Architecture Technology(ICAR/12): 15 credits each; History of architecture (ICAR/18): 9 credits; ConstructionScience (ICAR/08), Cadastral Surveying (ICAR/22), Urban planning (ICAR/20),Design (ICAR/17), Restoration (ICAR/19), Environmental Technical Physics(ING-IND/11) and Sociology of the Environment and Territory (SPS/10): 6 creditseach.