Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Chemical Innovation and Regulation

Final examination: modalities

To graduate, you have to sit a final examination designed to verify that you have reached the education objectives set by the Degree Programme.

The final examination consists in writing a dissertation on a subject pertinent to your studies, elaborated in an original way, under the guidance of a supervisor. The dissertation will be discussed publicly during a specific final examination session in front of a Board.
The Board will assess your performance using your curriculum as a reference. During the dissertation discussion, you may use slides and the Commission may ask you in-depth questions on methods, results and any developments of your work.

Research topics are offered to ChIR students by the full partner universities of the ChIR Consortium and may be proposed in collaboration with other institutions outside the consortium. In this case, a local supervisor will be defined, but there will always be a promoter, who is a member of a university of the ChIR consortium and who is responsible for the academic quality of the work. The Program Management Team (PMT) proposes the list of approved research projects to students, so that you will be assigned a research project based on your preferences.

The dissertation has a value of 30 credits, which corresponds to a workload of 750 hours, including study, experimental, writing, preparation of presentations, etc. The defence should take place not later than September 30, except if you are a granted student who asked for an extension of the duration period to the European Commission.

The thesis manuscript will have the format specified by the PMT and must comply with the request of the Research institution. The dissertation will have a professional format, and the text will be of acceptable clarity and correctness.

Remember that you can only submit to the final thesis evaluations only after you have completed with a positive assessment all the remaining learning activities of the Master programme, including the mandatory internship.

For the final evaluation of the dissertation you wull have to present and defendyour dissertation in front of a Board that includes at least one member of each of the three Universities participating to the joint master's degree.

The defense is public. You will have to make a 20 minute presentation of the work. A short discussion with the Board will follow, where all elements of the jury may participate. After this discussion, the Board will meet in private and decide unanimously on the grade of the thesis. The final grade will take into account the value of your (experimental) work, the quality of the written dissertation, the quality of the presentation and your merit during the discussion.

Registration of your internship(s)

Internship(s) must be registered according to the modalities explained here:

If you are heading to graduate, please note that the registration of the internship ECTS must be done by the deadline for meeting the requirements for the admission to the degree examination (see the Calendar attached).

In order to have ECTS of the internship recorded by the deadline, you must upload to SOL-Internships the documents required for the completion of the internship at least 10 working days before the due date of fulfilling the requirements.

Graduation application

To submit your application online, you must access Studenti Online before the deadlines set for the application submission and the requirements.

Admission Requirements

In order to graduate, you must have:

  • sat all the exams in your study plan and had them recorded;
  • paid all tuition fees;
  • uploaded the dissertation in pdf format on Studenti Online. The dissertation can be uploaded multiple times, until the requirements deadline expires. When uploading the dissertation, the system will ask you to enter some key words and a brief abstract;
  • compiled the Alma Laurea questionnaire on Studenti Online.

The Student Administration Office will verify all requirements and will contact you if there are any issues, to allow you to regularise your position before the final examination.

The graduation application is valid for just one graduation session. If you graduate in a later session, you will have to re-submit your graduation application and pay only the duty stamp.


One graduation session is scheduled each year.

 The session includes a number of dates, each with their deadlines for the submission of the graduation application, requirements and dates (deadlines in the box).

Final examination information will be available on Studenti Online. The website will provide information on the date, time, venue and Members of the Examination Board.


Graduation calendar, a.y. 2023/2024


Discussion/Proclamation: 19-20 September 2024