Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Chemical Innovation and Regulation


What is an internship

The internship activity is an experience intended to complete your academic education with practical work at companies and istitutions who are ChIR Internship Host Organizations.

The internship included in your Degree Programme

For your Course of Study, internship:

  • internship (compulsory). It allows students to gain 15 credits

  •  internship for preparation for the final examination (elective). It allows students to gain 25 CFU (+5 CFU for Final Examination).

To obtain 1 CFU you must complete a minimum of 25 hours / a maximum of 30 hours of activity.

The request for an extension period must be presented in agreement with your Academic Tutor and approved by the Internship Board, by sending an e-mail to the Internship Office ( with the Academic Tutor, the Internship Board, and the Host Organization Tutor  in c/c

When can you apply

You can present the internship application if you are enrolled as a second year student.
The internship should start not later than January 15th of the second Academic Year.

The Academic Tutor and the Tutor of the Host Organization

Supervision of your internship will be delivered by your Academic Tutor and the Tutor of the Host Organization.

The Academic Tutor is responsible that the activity assigned is coherent with the learning objectives of the ChIR Course of Study, fostering the connection of the internship with the rest of the learning activity, monitoring the evolution of the work and accompanying the scientific and pedagogic activities.

The Tutor of the Host Organization is responsible for your correct induction in the work environment, for your daily supervision and support, and for the quality of the activity performed.

Periodic meetings, roughly monthly, between you and your Academic Tutor must be organized. These meetings may take place by videoconference.

At least one meeting between the Academic Tutor and the Tutor of the Host Organization must be organized as well. Also this meeting may take place by videoconference.