Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and Management

Crash courses and seminars

Find out the crash courses organized for the a.y. 2024/25

The following crash courses have been organized  in order to acquire or refresh your competences to successfully pass your 1st year exams.

Attendance to crash courses is not compulsory (and no ECTS credits are awarded), but warmly recommended to all students, especially for students lacking specific competence in Economics and Management subjects.

The crash courses will be available also online.

The updated schedule of the crash courses is available on the course timetable

  • Accounting 

The Accounting crash course would like to guarantee a more effective preparation for STRATEGIC COST MANAGEMENT course. 

Link to the online class (lessons will be available both in person and online)

Starting date: 1st week of September

  • Corporate Finance 

The crash course in Corporate finance will support you preparting for the Financial exams such as Corporate Valuation and Mergers and Acquisitions.

Link to the online class (lessons will be available both in person and online)

Starting date: 1st week of September

  • Data Management: 

Advanced practically-oriented Excel course, highly requested and valued in the working environment. This crash course is a 24-hour intensive programme that aims to develop the competences required for the 2nd year elective course in "Business Intelligence"

Starting date: October 28th 2024

Link to the online class

  • Data Analysis for Managerial Decision Making

For the a.y 2024/2025,  a tutor will support students in the same period of the ECONOMETRICS FOR MANAGEMENT course to further assist students in the learning process.