The final examination consists in writing an original dissertation on a topic that is consistent with the degree programm learning outcomes, drafted in an original manner by the student under the guidance of a supervising professor.
During the graduation session, the Board will proceed to the proclamation of the candidate and determine the final score. For the Bachelor's degree programme only, the final examination does not inlcude a public dissertation.
Candidates are required to submit their application to be admitted to the final exam online at and to pay the relevant registration fee. Please note: applications will not be processed until all payments have been made. Supervisors will be able to approve the dissertation title and sign the graduation application only once the payment has been made.
In order to graduate, you must have:
The Student Administration Office will check that you meet all requirements and it will contact you in case of any problem, to help you to satisfy all the requirements before the final examination.
The graduation application is valid for one graduation session (one academic year). If you graduate in a later session, you will have to re-submit your graduation application and pay only for the duty stamp.
Candidates can change their chosen graduation date (within the same graduation session) by submitting a request of cancellation to the Student Administration Office by e-mail from their institutional address without paying any extra fee.
If the student do not graduate within the last session of the academic year (i.e. March session) for any reasons, it is necessary to pay for the yearly tuition fee for the following academic year. Therefore, it is necessary to pay for the first installment of the tutiion fees (already expired) as soon as possible. Moreover, it is required to meet the deadlines for the payment of the second and third instalments of the tuition fees (to avoid to pay additional fees due to late payment).
On the other hand, if a student would like to apply for the benefits and she/he does not manage to graduate within March, it is necessary to meet the deadlines and enrolment requirements.
In case a candidates graduates by March and she/he has already paid all or part of the fees for the subsequent academic year, she/he may obtain a refund after the graduation date (for further details please refer to the following webpage:
One graduation session is scheduled each year. The session includes a number of dates with specific deadlines
Check the graduation dates and the deadlines in the attachments "Graduation sessions...".
By the FIRST/SECOND deadline, students must:
Applications submitted after the ordinary deadline (first deadline) but within the final cut-off date (second deadline) must be submitted with a €100.00 late fee.
By the THIRD deadline, candidates must:
Once approved by the supervisor, the dissertation title and contents will no longer be editable. If candidates do not receive formal approval, it is advisable to contact the supervisor directly.
NOTE: candidates may choose a subject area or discipline among those defined in their study plan. Students may also choose a subject area that is not included in their study plan by submitting a request to the supervisor and a detailed explanation of students’ reasons. In order to ensure that the subject area is consistent with the programme learning outcomes, candidates shall obtain the authorization of the Degree Programme Coordinator and the approval by the supervisor in advance and before starting the paper.
By the FOURTH deadline, the supervisor must formally approve the final paper file and candidates’ application
Graduands and their guests are requested to respect the following rules of behaviour during the graduation ceremonies:
- arrive at the designated graduation site around 15 minutes before the assigned time;
- wait to be called up by the relevant personnel before entering the graduation hall without causing any disturbance to other didactic activities;
- after the proclamation, graduands and their guests are requested to wait outside the building;
- celebrations should exclusively take place outside the building, taking care to maintain correct and appropriate behaviour, avoiding excesses;
- fouling both internal and external areas of the University with food, drink, confetti, etc. is strictly forbidden;
- attaching posters in both the internal and external areas of the University is strictly forbidden.
The University refers graduands and their guests to Article 2043 of the Civil Code, with particular consideration for responsibility for damages and Article 635 of the Penal Code, with particular consideration for criminal damages. The President of the Graduation Commission reserves the right to refuse signing the degree certificate and to refer any eventual problems to the University Chancellor.
Photography services provided by external professional photographers are available during ceremonies. Nevertheless, they have no direct contractual relationship with the School. Students are free to make use of their personal photographers:
Students who may be admitted to take the final examination online: "Discussions and proclamations" paragraph.
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How can we help you: Final examination procedures and guidance on methods and deadlines.
How can we help you: Final examination procedures and guidance on methods and deadlines.