Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and Management

Programme aims

The 2nd cycle degree programmein Economics and Management provides students with advanced knowledge ofeconomics and business concerning the logics, methods and instruments availableto managers, consultants and entrepreneurs in different business contexts (witha primary though not exclusive focus on medium-sized companies) combined with asystemic vision. The programme offers students an international perspective tofacilitate the international opening and strengthening of the companies theywill work for. Students will therefore acquire the knowledge, logics, methodsand instruments to undertake managerial careers in industrial and commercialbusinesses, public organisations, services companies and consulting services,research centres, also through the development of entrepreneurial skills in thefield of innovation and start-ups. In the latter field, the degree programmedevelops competences in entrepreneurship, business planning and businessventuring.

These objectives are achieved through astudy plan offering a basic grounding in economics and business including thetypical analytical methods and approaches of managerial practices, integratedby legal, professional and statistical competencies. The degree programmeoffers the possibility to extend such knowledge to economic and managerialaspects and to the dynamics characterising food systems and business-communityrelations. Subsequently students will study the specific principles andstrategies of management: planning and management of research and developmentprojects in national and international fields, strategic management andmarketing, business finance, accounting and control, quality assurance,management of innovation and the development of entrepreneurial skills.

A key feature of this advanced degreeprogramme is its focus on the interdisciplinary nature of problems and theintegration of economic and business knowledge with more purely economic,mathematical, statistical and legal fields, also with a view to the concepts ofsustainability. The teaching methods focus on an active and participatoryapproach, mixing lectures - also by international teaching staff - with thediscussion of business case studies, exercises also using computer based tools,simulations of corporate decision making issues, and the testimonial ofbusiness managers and operators.

The two-year study plan covers the studyand integration of the above subjects with particular attention to theestablishment, development and internationalisation of businesses, also throughthe discussion of business case studies, the drafting of business plans, andlectures by managers and entrepreneurs. Students have the option to perform aninternship at a business or institution with a view to future professionalactivities. The internship is one of the elective learning activities availableto students.