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Assessment of adequacy of the Applicants’ prior preparation

Assessment of adequacy of the Applicants’ prior preparation

The adequacy of the prior preparation is met by graduates holding a first cycle-degree in Ingegneria dell’energia elettrica or in Ingegneria elettrica get at the University of Bologna (according Italian Ministerial Decree n. 270/04, Italian Ministerial Decree n. 509/99 or previous legislation).

 For all other graduates the adequacy of the prior preparation is met if one of the following conditions occur:

  • Graduation mark between 84 and 91/110 and having earned at least 36 CFU credits in the following subject areas SSD MAT and FIS; at least 45 CFU credits among the following subject areas SSD ING-IND/31, ING-IND/32, ING-IND/33 e ING-INF/07 whose at least 9 CFU credits in the subject area SSD ING-IND/31, at least 9 CFU in the subject area SSD ING-IND/32, at least 9 cfu credits in the subject area SSD ING-IND/33 , at least 9 CFU credits in the subject area SSD ING-INF/07.
  • Graduation mark between 92 and 99/110 and having acquired at least 36 CFU credits in the following subject areas SSD MAT and FIS, at least 6 CFU credits in the subject area ING-IND/31, at least 9 CFU credits among the following subject areas SSD ING-IND/32, ING-IND/33, ING-INF/07.
  • Graduation mark between 100 and 110/110 and having acquired at least 36 CFU credits in the following subject areas SSD MAT and FIS, at least 6 CFU credits among the following subject areas SSD ING-IND/31, ING-IND/32, ING-IND/33, ING-INF/07.
  • Graduation mark of 110/110 with honor and having acquired at least 36 CFU credits in the following subject areas SSD MAT and FIS


The adequacy of the prior preparation is met by graduating students in Ingegneria dell'energia elettrica or in Ingegneria elettrica at the University of Bologna (according Italian Ministerial Decree n. 270/04, Italian Ministerial Decree n. 509/99 or previous legislation), on condition that they have acquired at least 159 CFU credits to which a mark has been given (i.e. not Pass/Fail exam) at the time of their application.

For all other graduating students, the adequacy of the prior preparation is met if they have acquired at least 159 CFU credits to which a mark has been given (i.e. not Pass/Fail exam) at the time of their application and when one of the following conditions occur:

  • CGPA between 23 and 24,99/30 and having acquired at least 36 CFU credits in the following subject areas SSD MAT and FIS; at least 45 CFU credits among the following subject areas SSD ING-IND/31, ING-IND/32, ING-IND/33 e ING-INF/07 whose at least 9 CFU credits in the subject area SSD ING-IND/31, at least 9 CFU in the subject area SSD ING-IND/32, at least 9 cfu credits in the subject area SSD ING-IND/33 , at least 9 CFU credits in the subject area SSD ING-INF/07.
  • CGPA between 25 and 26,99/30 and having acquired at least 36 CFU credits in the following subject areas SSD MAT and FIS, at least 6 CFU credits in the subject area ING-IND/31, at least 9 CFU credits among the following subject areas SSD ING-IND/32, ING-IND/33, ING-INF/07.
  • CGPA between 27 and 29,99/30 and having acquired at least 36 CFU credits in the following subject areas MAT and FIS, at least 6 CFU credits among the following subject areas SSD ING-IND/31, ING-IND/32, ING-IND/33, ING-INF/07.
  • CGPA of 30/30 and having acquired at least 36 CFU credits in the following subject areas SSD MAT and FIS

Credits acquired in learning activities as laboratories being part of integrated courses labelled with the subject areas (SSD) ING-INF/07, ING-IND/31, ING-IND/32, ING-IND/33 can be counted for the assessment of the adequacy of the prior preparation.

Credits acquired in learning activities as laboratories not labelled by a subject area (SSD) can be counted for the assessment of the adequacy of the prior preparation on condition that their description fully or partially reports the name of one of the following subject areas:






Criteria set forth in this paragraph shall also be applicable to students holding a foreign qualification, as long as it is deemed adequate by the Master Degree Board and the following conditions are met:

  • The graduation mark/CGPA can be converted into a 110-scale base (final mark's scale in the Italian Higher Education System), or 30 scaled-base for graduating students.
  • Each exam can be associated with a subject area and a credit system (similar to the ECTS scale).


However, if the applicant's foreign qualification is not comparable to the Italian Higher Education System, the Master Degree Evaluation Board will assess the transcript of records and evaluate the adequacy of the applicant's preparation on a case-by-case basis.

Should the aforementioned conditions be not fulfilled (fully or in part), the academic preparation is not considered adequate. Nevertheless - under extraordinary and duly proven circumstances - the Master Degree Board may embark on a case-by-case evaluation, which will be however based on the graduation mark/CGPA and the academic records. Such a case-by-case evaluation will result in an irrevocable decision concerning the admission to the Programme.


Assessment of the language skills

For the admission to the track in Ingegneria dell’energia elettrica (held in Italian) an English Language proficiency no lower than B1 level according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is required.

Italian non native-speakers must also demonstrate an Italian language proficiency no lower than B2.

For the admission to the track in Electrical Engineering (held in English) an English Language Proficiency no lower than B2 level according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is required.

The verification is deemed to be satisfied for students with appropriate linguistic certification (such as TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, Cambridge Esol) or with curricular “idoneità linguistica” at least B2 level.  Such a certification constitutes a compulsory admission requirement and must be enclosed to the application, in order to be assessed by the Degree Evaluation Board.