Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Electrical Energy Engineering

Final examination: modalities

To graduate, you have to sit a final examination designed to verify that you have reached the education objectives set by the Degree Programme.

Graduation application

The application is to be submitted on Studenti Online and once presented is valid for the whole academic year. When submitting the application, you’ll need to select the date among those available. The application can be submitted according to the deadline set even if you haven’t completed all the exams in your study plan. Graduation applications require the payment of €32.00 in stamp duty (imposta di bollo).

Online application refers to one specific period. If the student fails to set the final examination within the session (academic year) for which he/she has applied, he/she will have to repeat the online application. There won’t be the whole graduation fee to be paid, since it has been already paid for the previous session, however the duty stamp value of €16,00 will be charged.

Admission Requirements

In order to graduate, you must have:

  • sat all the exams in your study plan and had them recorded;
  • paid all tuition fees;
  • compiled the Alma Laurea questionnaire on Studenti Online.

The Student Administration Office will verify all requirements and will contact you if there are any issues, to allow you to regularise your position before the final examination.


One graduation session is scheduled each year. The session includes a number of dates, each with their deadlines for the submission of the graduation application, requirements and dates.

After the deadline, a late application is still possible by paying a € 100 fee(*):

How to upload your final thesis on Studenti Online and how to publish it on the institutional repository

Students need to upload the final thesis in pdf format on Studenti Online within three days before the date set for the final examination. The thesis content needs to be agreed upon with the Supervisor in advance.

Only for students graduating in Master’s programmes: if agreed with the Supervisor, students can publish the digital format of the final thesis on the institutional repository of the University of Bologna: Alma DL AMS-Tesi online (see instructions on the attachments box).

Photographs and videos during graduation sessions

For more information, visit the dedicated web site: