Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Electrical Energy Engineering

Monitoring Statistical Data

The University monitors the main aspects of the teaching activities, operating with transparency and facilitating self-assessment and constant improvement, by publishing every year a document for each Degree Programme: the “Degree Programme Report”.

The report is normally published in June and contains data and information automatically retrieved from the University’s database and Almalaurea’s surveys.

In particular, the section “The Degree Programme in Numbers” offers statistics with reference to the last three years regarding:

  • the regularity of studies and student participation in international mobility programmes;
  • opinions of students and graduates;
  • Induction into the world of work.

Information and data are useful to the Degree Programme’s (yearly) monitoring and regular reviewing activities, aimed to assess the functionality of the Degree Programme and the adequacy of the teaching activities.

See also

Degree Programme Report

Opinions of the students of the Degree Programme