The 2nd cycledegree programme in Electrical Energy Engineering provides studentsspecifically with high-level technical, scientific and professionalcompetencies for working in the electrical engineering field, particularly forthe production, management, conversion and use of electrical energy byconventional and renewable sources, distribution through "active" and“intelligent” networks in the free energy market, the design and production ofelectromechanical energy conversion systems, high-efficiency and energy savingelectrical systems and equipment also through the widespread civil andindustrial use of innovative electrical equipment in terms of both design andmaterials used.
During the study programme Electrical Energy Engineering students willdevelop skills for the planning, design, development and management of complexand/or innovative systems, equipment, processes and services with a highelectrical technological content.
The professional learning outcomes specified for class LM-28 for 2ndcycle graduates in Electrical Energy Engineering are achieved through acurriculum offering students a full command of the specialist methodologicalaspects of electrical energy engineering, based on the advanced knowledge ofapplied electromagnetism, electronic power systems, electrical drives,electrical systems for energy, electricity production from conventional andrenewable sources, electric technologies. measuring procedures and methods anddistributed electronic measuring instruments. The interdisciplinary trainingreceived in the master's degree programme is supplemented by the core andrelated subjects aimed at producing professionals with a broad spectrum ofknowledge and skills and a good working knowledge of English, for which atleast level B2 must be achieved. Students learn about business culture andindustrial economics and ample space is reserved for the study of the modernmethods of assisted design, modelling and simulation. The existing experimentallaboratories and IT equipment allow students to further investigate the theoreticalconcepts and applicative aspects learned in lectures.
Preparation for the final examination may also be done in collaborationwith public and private bodies and companies operating in the territory,through an internship.
The professional figure to which the 2nd cycle degree programme inElectrical Energy Engineering refers is identified in the ISTAT category ofprofessional classifications under point - Electrotechnical andIndustrial Automation Engineers. Having passed the state examination, incompliance with the applicable regulations, graduates may register with SectionA, sector B) Industrial, of the professional association.
Electrical Energy Engineering graduates have many career opportunities,working profitably in any professional area in which even highly complexelectrical and electronic systems and equipment and electronic power systemsare present. In particular, the knowledge base of Electrical Energy Engineeringgraduates allows them to cover technical and technical management roles in thefields of design, simulation, development, programming and management ofelectrical equipment and machinery, electrical systems for energy andconventional or renewable energy production systems, electronic power systemsand electrical measuring equipment, in a freelance position, working alone orin associated forms, or as an employee in the manufacturing or servicessectors, or in public companies and the civil service.
With a solid general background and highly developed technical andscientific culture, Electrical Energy Engineering graduates are ready to workprofitably in a professional context or continue with further studies to 2ndlevel Master's degree or PhD level in engineering and scientific studies.