Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Electrical Energy Engineering

Student Opinions

The University periodically collects opinions and information from students with regards to teaching activities. In the classroom, normally after 2/3 of the lectures have been completed, students are asked to answer anonymously a questionnaire.

Objective of the survey

The main objective of the survey, in accordance with National regulations, is to collect student opinions to obtain useful information on how to improve the Degree Programme, as provided by the University’s Quality Assurance System.

How the questionnaire is presented to students

Starting in Academic Year 2016/17, on the day of the survey, in the classroom students are asked to answer an online questionnaire, using mobile devices.
The questionnaire, available in Italian and English, includes a set of multiple choice questions, with four options (Absolutely NOT, NO, YES, YES Absolutely), and a number of questions through which students can make useful suggestions to improve teaching activities and services.

Survey results

The results are organised by academic year.
See the results on the opinions of the students of the Degree Programme.

 The data is sent to the teachers together with an overview report. Additionally, teachers can see the answers provided by their own students (anonymously).

The results of the survey are also sent to the Director of the Degree Programme and the Heads of facility and are discussed by the Degree Programme Board, as provided in the University guidelines, and by the Joint Committees, and streamed down to students, through their representatives. 

Since Academic Year 2013/14 , the University also collects the opinions of non-attending students (students who attend less than 50% of the hours of lecture indicated). Students are asked to complete the survey at the time they register for the exam relevant to the Degree Programme that is being evaluated, through the AlmaEsami application. The survey must be completed within two years from attending the lectures included in the course structure diagram.

See also

End-Of-Course Questionnaire – Almalaurea