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Biodiversity and Evolution

Programme aims

Within its own class of second-cycle degrees (LM-6), the Master's degree in Biodiversity and Evolution aims to provide a solid modern grounding in Evolutionary Biology, and thorough knowledge of the most innovative methods of laboratory experimental research and biomolecular analysis, biostatistics and bio-computer science as applied to the three main areas of biodiversity (animal, vegetable and human). The student will pursue state-of-art evolutionary studies and have to reckon with international-level research. Since the a.y. 2009-2010, the teaching plan has been thoroughly reformed and is… Read more

Admission requirements

To benefit by a Master's degree programme in Biodiversity and Evolution one needs to have acquired an appropriate degree of knowledge of biology in the bio-evolutionary setting. To join the Master's programme one needs at least one of the following curricular requisites: 1. To have a degree in one of the following classes or possess a qualification gained abroad and recognised as appropriate: ex D.M. 270: - L 13 - L 32 - L 2 ex. D.M. 509/99: Class 12 Class 27 Class 1 Previous five-year system: - Degree in Biological Science - Degree in Natural Science - Degree in Environmental Science 2. To… Read more