The internship allows you to gain experience to complete your university education by working for companies, public bodies or university structures.
The course offers:
The internship has to be carried out within the course of studies: in order to do it, you need to be regulary registered. This is why the internship is an optional education activity.
The internship has to be completed within the 12 months from the starting period. Always check the study plan to find out the amount of hours to carry out.
For the curricular internship you can apply starting from your second year and carrying it out in any time of the year only after having selected it from the study plan. Do not indicate the academic Tutor while applying, you will be given one from the Internship’s Commission.
Students enrolling in the 1st year in the 2024/25 academic year will have the possibility to opt for anticipating the curricular internship at the end of the 1st year of the programme.
To do so, they will have to add the learning activity “Internship” in their study plan during one of the periods of presentation indicated here. Then, from 3 June 2025, they will be able to submit their internship application via SOL – tirocini.
For the final dissertation’s internship, if you have already chosen a topic for your thesis with your supervisor, that will also be your academic tutor during your internship. The program will also be shared with the company/public body. When applying, you will need to indicate the academic tutor, which will be your supervisor.
The internship can’t be carried out in structures where you have family relations or bond of affinity till the second grade with the legal responsible, partner or responsible manager.
All activities related to sales and customer service (sales assistant) will not be considered. In this regard, the Degree Programme Board has resolved to limit internships to businesses with more than 5 employees, based on the principle that interns should not be used for retail tasks. Consequently, applications for agreements and applications for internship will be carefully examined.
In August, didactic activities will be suspended and therefore there will be no Commission.
The application must be submitted and accepted by the company/institution and by the student, as a rule, no less than 10 working days before the planned start date of the activities, in order to allow the Internship Commission to meet and to assess the applications.
Companies and partner institutions publish their proposals on SOL-Tirocini. You will be able to consult:
To prepare a good CV you can contact
In both cases:
To carry out a trainiship follow these steps:
You can carry out an internship abroad following one of the two following alternatives:
You want to ask for the recognition of extra-university/working activities as internship
If you have carried out extra-university activities relating to your course of study you can ask for its recognition as internship:
The recognition request has to be presented in the course of the A.A. where the internship is provided, according to the student’s study plan.
The student will have to present the request at the competent Student’s office.
You will have to fill in the attendance register with the working hours that need to be carried out in the authorized period. In case of variations (ex. suspension, cancellation etc) of the approved program you will have to communicate it via e-mail at the Internship Office, Academic Tutor and host body.
Send an email halfway through the internship to Prof. Mariella Lorusso, in which you should indicate the activities you are carrying out, whether there are any critical issues, and whether the programme is being adhered to by the company.
In case of travel towards places not indicated in the approved program, to extend the insurance cover, you will have to previously send an e-mail at the Academic Tutor, Tutor of the host body and Internship body, and accept its authorization vi e-mail.
During the internship you will be covered by an insurance against accidents at work and civil liability. For more information on insurances check the web page Servizio di Assicurazione.
What to do at the end of the internship
After completing the required hours of your internship, insert in SOL-Tirocini:
Fill in the mandatory survey after uploading the attendance register. The host body/company tutor will have to complete the final evaluation survey as well, to verbalize your internship, so make sure that the company has it completed once you upload the attendance register.
After, you will have to wait for the practice to be registered from the Internship Commission on Alma Esami (find attach the list with dates of verbalizations), without the student presence, such as all the other teaching activities, in the set out timeframe to be admitted at the final degree exam.
The University of Bologna guarantees insurance cover for students against accidents at work and third-party liability claims.
In the event of travel to locations or structures not indicated in the approved internship programme, you can request an extension of the insurance cover - even during the internship - on condition that the travel concerned is consistent with the objectives of the internship.
Online courses on health and safety are compulsory for all students.
FAQ sul Tirocinio per Studenti (in Italian)
University's Internship Regulations (in Italian)
Are you a Company?
Tel: +39 0541.434227
Address: via Cattaneo, 17 (secondo piano), 47921 – RIMINI
Online desk (Teams) by appointment to be agreed with the office via email
Phone timetable:[…]/remote-services-rimini-campus
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