Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Cesena Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Food Science and Technology

Food Science and Technology

Programme aims

This degree programme seeks to preparesecond-cycle graduates for work in the planning and management of processes andon the innovation and development of food products in food-processing companies(production, distribution, packaging, ingredients), public or private foodquality laboratories, the technical and operational sectors of the publicadministration, or in public or private food research environments. The teaching objectives are to leadstudents to acquire knowledge and skills enabling them to sit the State Examfor food technology professionals, pursuant to the relevant… Read more

Admission requirements

In order to complete successfully thesecond-cycle degree programme in Food Science and Technology, knowledge isrequired about: - basic scientific disciplines coveringapplied technologies and economics related to the production, transformationand conservation of food products - principal food technology operations andprocesses - fundamental principles underlyinganalytical techniques for the assessment of food quality - the role and importance ofmicro-organisms in the conservation and transformation of food products - mechanisms resulting in the alterationand deterioration… Read more