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Global change ecology and sustainable development goals

Notice Board

Continuing your university studies: What’s in it for you?

What you can rely on to make an informed choice. Join us at the Virtual Fair – Master's programmes on February 26

Services and benefits for students in difficult situations

If you study at Unibo and are experiencing personal, family or financial hardship, by 4 March you can participate in the 2024/25 call for applications in collaboration with ER.GO.

Tuition fee reduction for undergraduates with specific requirements who only have to sit the final examination

If you have been enrolled for a number of years exceeding the normal course duration plus one and you only have to sit the final examination, your tuition fees may be reduced. Deadline: 18 March.

What is the housing condition of students? Help us understand by filling out the questionnaire

Housing is a growing obstacle to education. The survey will help understand it, engage stakeholders, and push for concrete solutions.

Three Seminars on the Cyanobacterial and Algal Diversity of Egypt

Abdullah Atia Saber, Associate Professor at Ain Shams University in Cairo with the participation of the Cultural Attaché of the Egyptian Embassy in Rome (Prof. Marwa Fawzy)

International Talents @Unibo: scholarships for international students a.y. 2025/26

The University of Bologna is offering 30 new scholarships to deserving international students who intend to enrol in second cycle degree programmes in a.y. 2025/26.

26 Feb 2025

PhD programmes: pathways, tools, and opportunities

The online event to explore this opportunity to enhance your education and embark on a research journey. Th event will be held in Italian.

26 Feb 2025

Discover your degree programme during the Virtual Fair 2025

The annual online event to discover all Master’s programmes offered by the University of Bologna.