Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Greening Energy Market and Finance

Programme aims

GrEnFIn Master proposes an innovative and interdisciplinary educational path targeted to the "hero of the green economy", i.e. a new professional figure we named Sustainable Energy Expert (SEE for short).

Given their expected key role in favoring the transition to a more sustainable economy, the SEE must combine a number of competences usually belonging to different profiles, as the engineering knowledge of green sources of energy, the competences in sustainable economy and the quantitative skills in risk management and financial engineering. This interdisciplinary approach creates the opportunity to educate such a pivotal actor able to assure for a vital economy with an environment-preserving behavior.

In the feasibility matter, the role of financial knowledge is discovered to be undeniably important in order to realize the sustainable diversification of energy supply, thanks to a natural risk control policy and hedging. 

The design of the educational path of the LM GrEnFIn aims to fill the gap in the current educational offer.

Main innovations with respect to the current educational offer:

  1. Multidisciplinary educational path involving and mixing three different tracks of disciplines, competences and skills:
    1. Technological/Engineering
    2. Financial
    3. Business/Economical
  2. Industries are part of the faculty: they are expected to have an active role in teaching (external courses), in providing internships, in suggesting firm-oriented methodologies.
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Corso di Greening Energy Market and Finance - codice 5885
The second cycle degree/two year master inGreening Energy market and Finance is a multi-disciplinary project aiming toprovide students with a broad cultural and rigorous academic training to beable to analyse and manage the problems linked to the… Read more