Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage

Collaborations of the campus with bodies and institutions of the territory

Giuseppe Verdi Higher Institute of Musical Studies

Director Annamaria Storace

Take the chance to join the Symphony Orchestra and the Wind Orchestra or to participate in the choir of the ISSM G. Verdi di Ravenna.

With the collaboration of Proff. Guidobaldi and Restani of the Department of Cultural heritage.

To know more about this opportunity, write an email or visit the


EMILIA ROMAGNA CONCERTS & Young Musicians European Orchestra, with the patronage of the Municipality of Ravenna and the contribution of the Ministry of Culture

The new season calendar foresees 7 concerts at the Alighieri theatre

Ticket price for university students: 1 € (with the opportunity to buy a seasonal ticket for 7 €)


The Academy of Fine Arts

  • Organizes, takes care of and manages the didactic activity useful for obtaining the qualification for students (study path dedicated to contemporary arts and mosaic, with a three-year first level Visual Arts and Mosaic and a two-year second level of Mosaic).
  • Contributes to the protection and enhancement of artistic, historical and cultural assets;
  • Collaborates with public institutions for the promotion and development of art and culture;
  • Promotes and disseminates the knowledge and study of the arts and the historical and artistic culture of Ravenna and its territory.

First meeting with Director Paola Babini and beginning of collaboration with Panchina Rossa.