Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Ravenna Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage

Degree programme tutor

The Degree Programme Tutor is a useful reference point to help students in their relations with lecturers and, more in general, to organise their study activities.


The tutor plays an interface role between students and the degree programme and is a valuable source of information, for example, to learn about the methods to access the programme and carry out its activities. 
Students can contact the tutor also to flag requests concerning logistics or organisation.

Additionally, the tutor offers personalised support to students who struggle, whether for work or other personal reasons, to keep up with the programme and exam schedules.

Hello everybody! My name is Marta Fralleoni, my pronouns are she/her and I'm enrolled in the first year of the I-CONTACT Master's Program in the Interculral Heritage curriculum.

 I'm from Italy, from a town near Rome. I love educating myself on transfemminism, human geography, languages and migration, queer and human rights in general.

I got my bachelor's degree at La Sapienza University in Rome, where I studied International Cooperation and Development.

 I'm now living full time here in Ravenna, so I’m always available to help you out!

Please contact us if you need anything! :)

Hello everyone! My name is Arantza Flores Hernández, and I’m currently in the first year of the I-CONTACT Master’s Program at the University of Bologna.

I’m originally from Aguascalientes, Mexico, and I’m deeply committed to social justice and human rights, especially when it comes to migration, education, and cultural exchange. I’ve worked on designing and managing social impact projects and have conducted research on human mobility for humanitarian reasons. I also love integrating art, pedagogy, and culture as tools for positive social transformation.

Right now, I’m living in Ravenna full-time, so if you need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m happy to connect and help!

You can contact the Tutors if you have any questions or doubts about:

  • I-CONTACT: what is the course structure, how to complete the Study Plan, what is the grade system in Italy, any issues with the time table for the courses and for the exams, what are the requirements for graduation.
  • INTERNSHIP & EXCHANGES: What are the opportunities that we have in I-CONTACT for international mobility and internships- how to apply, how to insert them in the study plan and where, what are the language requirements and how to fulfill them, etc.
  • GENERAL INFO: how to contact Er.go for the scholarship and how does it work, when are the university fees published and what are the deadlines, how does the Student Online Platform work and how can you sign up for exams [AlmaEsami].
  • Any other issueyou might have upon your arrival in Ravenna: if you can’t find the information on the website or if you have trouble deciding which administration office you need to contact… feel free to write us, we’ll certainly be able to find a solution together.