Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage

Exams and grading system

General information regarding exams

The students' performance will be assessed for each course in a variety of forms (written exams, oral exams, tests, academic papers) in accordance with the decision of each professor or, respectively, lecturer, under the general rules established by the Italian law.

The grading system is from 1/30 to a maximum of 30/30 cum laude, according to Italian University rules. 

Here below an explanation of the grades:

30L (30 cum laude / con lode):  Outstanding
29 – 30: Excellent
27 – 28: Very good
24 – 26: Good
19 – 23: Satisfactory
18: Minimum passing grade
<18: Fail

For a more detailed explanation about exams modalities, grading system and exam sessions, we invite you to contact your Programme Director or Programme coordinator.