To graduate, you have to sit a final examination designed to verify that you have reached the education objectives set by the Degree Programme.
To submit your application online, you must access Studenti Online before the deadlines set for the application submission and respect the specific requirements (see the graduation notice: pdf file in the attachment section).
NB: Please note that to submit your graduation application you have to identify in due time a supervisor for your final dissertation. The supervisor must be chosen among the professors of the I-Contact Programme.
In order to graduate, you must have:
The Student Administration Office will verify that all the requirements are met and will contact you in case of any issue, in order to allow you to regularise your position before the final examination.
The dissertation is to be compiled by respecting all the indications included in the guidelines of the I-CONTACT programme.
The graduation application is valid for just one graduation session. If you graduate during a later session, you will have to re-submit your graduation application and pay only the stamp duty.
Graduation sessions are fixed each year, each session has its deadlines for the submission of the graduation application, requirements, and dates (see the graduation notice docs in the attachment section).
Information in English is available HERE.
An informative session describing the whole process, is available on Sharepoint on 15.04.2024.
[ .pdf 215Kb ]
Graduation and final Examination dates for the ay 2023/24