Choosing the subject and the rules on preparing the dissertation for the final examination.
The final examination consists of writing a dissertation on a subject pertinent to your studies, elaborated in an original way, under the guidance of a supervisor. The dissertation will be discussed publicly during a specific final examination session in front of a dedicated Commission which will assess your performance using your curriculum as a reference. During the dissertation discussion, you may use slides and the dedicated commission may ask you in-depth questions on the methods, results and any developments of your work.
International Cooperation onHuman Rights and Intercultural Heritage Master Degree (Curriculum A and B) jons the "Guarantee of originality" service provided by the University of Bologna in order to verify the originality of the documents produced for the final examination.
A special software is used to automate the analysis process, which until now was carried out manually by the professor, providing a computerised support which compares the produced texts with a wide database comprising all the documents published on the web and various scientific databases.
The main objective of the service is to provide students with indications for the correct application of the source citation system. For this reason, the analysis is carried out right from the first versions of the dissertation chapters in order to guide the students and help them in the correct preparation and production of their dissertation work.
Guidelines for the preparation of the final dissertation
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