Students who decide to prepare their final thesis abroad may do so, following the regulations for one of the 2 modalities indicated below, and make sure to have fully understood the differences and to have selected the dedicated activity within their study plan:
SCOPE: As a preparation for the final exam the student is required to write and defend a thesis on a topic agreed with his/her advisor. The thesis aims at being a test bed for the student’s capacities for developing and carrying out researches on innovative topics, highlighting his/her analytical and critical capacities and the training acquired during the years of specialization, so that it may provide a proper reference for the labour market. It is highly recommended the thesis be elaborated through the experience provided by the internship and traineeship experience expected in the programme, carried out at institutions, non-governmental organizations, associations active in the field of international cooperation or related areas.
The activities (at least 300 hours) can be done at universities, research institutions, NGOs, companies, local authorities, etc. Students can conduct the preparation for the final dissertation abroad either through the UniBo system OR autonomously.
1) Through the UniBo System
Students can apply for funding via Erasmus+ or Overseas programs, or for scholarships issued by the Department of Cultural Heritage of Ravenna (calls are published in the dedicated sections of the UniBo website and on the notice board of the I-CONTACT program) or similar UniBo opportunities. In these cases, the selection of the destination, the supervisor, and the time frame for the preparation of the thesis is managed through the AlmaRm portal. If applicable, a successful candidate will receive reimbursement of expenses and insurance cover.
2) Autonomously
Outside of the institutional call for applications, students can prepare their dissertation abroad autonomously. In such case, students don’t need to follow the AlmaRm procedure but rather make sure to organize everything in due time. Students will be entitled to obtain credits only if the preparation for the thesis abroad has been added to the study plan and if they have followed the procedure described below; and, since it’s an autonomous activity, they are not qualified for reimbursement of expenses and insurance cover.
What to do to conduct the preparation for the dissertation abroad OUTSIDE of the UniBo system (the student is personally in charge of taking and monitoring all these steps):
SCOPE: During the internship for the preparation of the final examination, the student carries out research and/or practical activities in a company/organisation based abroad. The internship allows the student to acquire knowledge and professional skills useful for the preparation of the final dissertation.
The activities (at least 300 hours) can be carried out at universities, research institutions, NGOs, companies, local authorities, etc. This option can be selected and added to the study plan upon winning the Erasmus+ traineeship or Fieldwork calls for application. The calls will be published in the dedicated section of the University website and on the notice board of the I-CONTACT program.
In these cases, the selection of the destination, the supervisor and the time frame for the thesis preparation is managed entirely through the AlmaRm portal. If applicable, a successful candidate will receive reimbursement of expenses and insurance cover.
Internship abroad could also be organized with the platform Tirocini, without a scholarship.
Certificate from hosting institution
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