Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage

Linguistic Skills

Information on Language Courses

As a first year I-CONTACT student, you will need to include ONE language course among those offered in the linguistic skills section of the Course Structure Diagram in your Study Plan. Students can choose between German, French, Spanish and Italian (for students enrolled from ay 2023/24). The assessment will be in the form of a pass/fail exam. Therefore, students will not receive an official grade, but the recognition of the credits instead. 

To fill in the Study Plan or to do the Language exam recognition process (see below), you must be fully enrolled at UniBo.

NOTICE:  according to the decision of the Council Board, from ay 2023/24, "The student may include in his/her study plan one of the language teaching activities offered annually provided that it does not correspond to the official language of his/her native country" (14.06.2023)