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PhD offer at University of Vienna

Interdiciplinary graduate program on "The Dynamics of Change and the Logics of Transformation: State, Society, and Economy at Critical Junctures", starting on 1 September 2024.

Published on 18 March 2024

One of the positions is for anthropology: 

Transforming the State through Social Work (Tatjana Thelen)
This ethnographic project takes social work as a diagnostic entry point to explore state transformation. Leading questions are how renegotiations of needs, obligations and deservingness reshape the contours and boundaries of the state, with a focus on social workers-in-training as central actors of state transformation. Suitable candidates should be familiar with ethnographic methods and theory building, be interested in the anthropology of the state, and should have language skills in the field of the intended research.

How to Apply:

Applications must be written in English and must include:

  • a cover letter 
  • a current CV 
  • a writing sample (e.g. MA thesis, published article or similar in English, German or other languages relevant to the respective topic) 
  • a project proposal of no more than 5 pp., indicating the topic you would like to apply for.
  • scans of your university diplomas
  • Please also document language competences if needed for the single project. 

Deadline for submissions is 12 April 2024.

Please submit your application as one PDF file here:

Potential candidates will be interviewed online at the end of April/beginning of May 2024. Starting date will be 1 September 2024.