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SHOW - L'Europa non cade dal cielo - Cronistoria di un sogno, di un'idea, di un progetto

Europe has not fallen from the sky - Chronicle of a dream, of an idea, of a project

Published on 06 December 2023

The theatrical show of Alessandro Argnani tells the story of Europe. The narration will be performed by Massimo Giordano and Camilla Berardi through pictures and songs of the different historic stages of the European Union. The show wants to cover the story of the European integration through myths, important personalities and artists. 

Thanks to Fondazione Flaminia, I-CONTACT students can dispose of free tickets to see the show in the following dates at Teatro Rasi (Roma street, 39) :


  • Monday, December 11 at 11 am 
  • Tuesday, December 12 at 11am
  • Thursday, December 21 at 9 pm 


Buy your free ticket here

(Event in Italian)