Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage

Programme aims

Second cycle graduates inthis class shall:
- be able to contribute to the definition and formulation of developmentsupport policies and strategies, particularly in the field of the promotion ofhuman rights and the cultural heritage, with particular attention tointercultural issues;
- have the competencies for managing migration and development programmes;
- be able to cooperate on co-development programmes;
- be able to manage projects for the protection of the cultural heritage;
- be able to formulate and manage development aid programmes and projects aspart of international cooperation initiatives;
- possess advanced competencies in the protection of human rights withappropriate knowledge of the tools required to apply the human rights-basedapproach to the design, planning and monitoring of international cooperationand human rights projects;
- have a specialisation that allows them to work in national and internationalorganisations working in the field of cooperation, based on their specificknowledge of their organisation and operation, in both the public and privatesectors.
Attention should be drawn to the specific features of this Second cycle degreeprogramme which, in a broader framework of development cooperation, integratesa human rights-oriented approach to the protection of the rights of excludedand marginalised persons, those whose rights are at risk of breach, with theissue of cultural heritage, in an intercultural perspective; the latter issueis understood not as linked to the sole practice of protection andconservation, but rather as a primary economic and social resource, both in itsmaterial version (cities and landscapes), and immaterial version (languages,systems of thought, cultural codes).

The programme offers asolid interdisciplinary and vocational background for students wishing to workin the field of international development cooperation, particularly for publicand private programmes concerning human rights and the natural and culturalheritage. The aim of the first year is to acquire the theoretical basisallowing students to formulate and/or manage development cooperation projects.Particular attention is paid to the historical and geopolitical dynamicsbetween the European Union, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and thecountries of East Asia, as well as the Euro-Mediterranean region. Vocationalworkshops are also organized for students. At the end of the first year, studentswill choose an internship project that may be combined with research for thepreparation of the final dissertation, while the second year is devoted notonly to the internship and the production of the dissertation but also tofurther develop the knowledge acquired.