Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage


Professional profiles

professional profile

Development cooperation expert

Function in a professional context:
A development cooperation expert worksmostly as part of projects and programmes for development promotion, theprotection of human rights, resolving conflicts peacefully and economicreconstruction.

(S)he has the following roles:
- design and coordinate projects and international cooperation activitiesconcerning the protection of human rights and the enhancement of the ethnic andcultural heritage, economic reconstruction and the peaceful resolution ofconflicts, both in their own country and in developing countries.
- design and coordinate projects for protecting and integrating migrants andco-development initiatives.
- design and coordinate activities in the sectors of intercultural educationand vocational training, improving the living conditions ofwomen , minors andall excluded or marginalised groups.
- contribute to defining and formulating policies and strategies to supportdevelopment, particularly as part of the promotion of human rights and culturalheritage, with a special focus on intercultural topics and safeguarding thecultural identity of minorities.

Competencies associated with the function:
In order to perform the above roles specific specialist knowledge, skills andabilities in the economic, political, social, historical and cultural fieldsare required. Greater specialisation may be necessary, as well as learningskills in one or more professional enhancement sectors.
In addition to self-learning and constant updating abilities, suitablemulti-disciplinary competencies of a communication-relational,organisational-managerial and programming nature are required, in accordancewith the level of autonomy and reved (colleagues, other professionals andpublic and/or private clients).

Career opportunities:
Recruitment possibilities are expected within international organisationsactive in the field of development cooperation (UN, EU, World Bank, IMF, etc.),in non-government organisations active in assisting development and in the areaof projects for the protection of human rights in Europe and othergeo-political contexts, in public and private enterprises, in researchinstitutions and in the offices in charge for the decentralised cooperation ata regional, provincial, or municipal level.

A graduated student in this second cycle degree course may either work asself-employed or as an employee for tertiary sector bodies and institutions,such as national and international civil organisations and volunteersassociations, or for the immigration services of Local bodies. In this respect,(s)he may hold the role of Human Rights Media and Communication Strategist.
(S)he may provide consulting in international cooperation for Local bodies,Chambers of Commerce, and trade unions.
(S)he also has specific skills for sitting the examinations to embark on adiplomatic career and work at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, as an expert inthe General Directorate for Development Cooperation (AICS) and expert in thecultural promotion area (APC).

Specialist in the Human Rights-BasedApproach

Function in a professional context:
The role of the specialist in the Human Rights-Based Approach, according to theOffice of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2006), is to protect therights of excluded or marginalised individuals and of those whose rights areexposed to the risk of violation.
The role of the specialist in the Human-Rights-Based Approach consists in designiingprograms for sustainable human development, based on a global view thatconsiders the family, the community, the civil society, the local, national andinternational authorities, and ensures the institutionalisation of a democraticprocess.

(S)he has the following roles:
- design and coordinate programmes promoting human development, democratisationprocesses, the culture of peace and human rights, non-discrimination andinternational solidarity;
- design and coordinate programmes in the migration-security-development field,for the protection and integration of migrants;
- design and coordinate activities in the fields of intercultural education andvocational training, protection of the rights of the female population, minorsand all excluded and marginalised groups.
- collaborate with civic defence departments, providing consulting services forthe protection of human rights and the promotion of integration before nationaland local bodies, chambers of commerce and trade unions.

Competencies associated with the function:
Performance of the above roles requires specific specialist knowledge, skillsand abilities in the social-political, legal and anthropological fields.Greater specialisation may be necessary, as well as learning skills in one ormore professional enhancement sectors.
Specifically, the competencies of an HRBA specialist consist in the ability toset out, conceive and verify the consistency of the development programmes inaccordance with this approach.
In addition to self-learning and constant updating abilities, suitablemulti-disciplinary competencies of a communication-relational,organisational-managerial and programming nature are required, in accordancewith the level of autonomy and responsibility assigned, with the organisationaland occupational methods implements and with the main stakeholders involved(colleagues, other professionals and public and/or private clients).

Career opportunities:
Career opportunities lie in the sectors and bodies dedicated to protectinghuman rights, the protection and integration of migrants, the creation ofprogrammes relating to the migration-development relationship on aninternational level (UN, EU), in NGO, in national bodies and in localadministration institutions.

On an international level, HRBA specialists may perform their activities inmany bodies: from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights(OHCHR), to UN Development Programme (UNDP), to UNESCO, UN Children's Fund,UNPopulation Fund (UNFPA), and UNHCR as well as many more.
Other opportunities are available at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wherecertain offices are involved in protecting human rights (the Office for thepromotion of human rights and international rights).
Employment opportunities also exist at the EU, for instance for the EuropeanCivil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), or Europeaid - DG InternationalCooperation and Development - DG (DEVCO).
There are also other recruitment opportunities in immigration services at localinstitutions addressing decentred cooperation, the protection of migrants andthe integration of asylum seekers and refugees.
Human-Rights-Based Approach specialists also have the specific skills forsitting the examinations to embark on a diplomatic career and work at theMinistry for Foreign Affairs, as an expert in the General Directorate forDevelopment Cooperation (AICS) and expert in the cultural promotion area (APC).

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.