Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage

Student representatives

Student representatives sit on the Degree Programme Board. The procedures for their election and the duration of their mandate are set by the University regulations.

The students of the Master Program periodically appoint their representatives, who become part of the Degree Program Board. In this way, students’ representatives can introduce and support students’ needs and requests during the Board meetings.

The modalities of the elections and the duration of the students’ representatives mandate are defined by the University regulations and are clearly stated in the Call that comes out every two year.

Role and Functions

The students’ representatives are members of the Degree Program Board (Consiglio di Corso di Laurea, CdL) and they represent the students in the Board, which has the aim to:

  • coordinate, after taking into consideration the guidelines of the Department, the teaching and learning activities aimed at reaching the educational objectives presented in the didactic regulations;
  • examine the Study Plan of the students;
  • manage the formation of the Commissions for the verification of the student’s performance and for the final examination, as established by the department regulations;
  • formulate and present proposals in line with the educational regulations of the University, referring to the Degree Program in question;
  • propose to the Council of the Department the activation or deactivation of teachings in line with the educational regulations of the University.