The IMaHS Plenum It is the highest decision making body of the consortium. The Plenum consists of the Coordination Board and Study Committee, the legal representatives of the institutions (or their deputies) and the representatives of the external partners. The IMaHS Plenum meets at least once a year.
The Coordination Board The IMaHS Coordination Board is chaired by the Coordinator and consists additionally of the IMaHS Study Coordinator, and one representative of each partner university, the IMaHS Candidates Representative and the IMaHS Secretary. It is the supervising body for the professional and tutorial activities including research. Therefore it is also responsible for the long term financial matters and acts as arbitration body.
The Coordinator is responsible for the legal, contractual, ethical, financial and administrative management of the consortium. The coordinator is helped by a vice-coordinator, who, in absence of the coordinator, will have the same functions and responsibilities.
The Promotion Team is responsible for the organisation of marketing and promotion activities for the programme. Each partner is responsible for the regular updating of information, announcement of events and news. These joint efforts are implemented mainly through an e-mail network, but the Team meets at least once a year as well.
The Study Committee is formed by representatives of the partner Universities, candidate representative and chaired by the Study Coordinator (SC). This latter one will be responsible for the coherent structure and overall organisational management of the training modules. These will be organised both on a local and network basis in close cooperation with the partner universities. The Coordinator will also be involved in the coordination of the recruitment and selection of candidates. The SC will be called for mediating solutions in the case of conflicts with respect to intellectual property rights (IPR).
The Student Committee is the union of students’ representatives. It consists of 2 members from each cohort and the IMaHs Secretary. The Student Committee is responsible for the evaluation of results, collecting opinions and identifying and reporting the needs of the students enrolled. Additionally, the committee contributes to marketing and promotion of the system, organisation of events and acts as an advisory body. The committee meets at least once a semester.
The Advisory Board will be appointed by the Coordination Board to advise and report on strategic matters regarding the scope and the improvement of the master. The Advisory Board can also suggest specific master thesis of predominant interests for the horticultural industry. Members of the Advisory Board are independent experts or representatives the main international stakeholders of horticultural production chain. The board members will be appointed based on criteria such as: scientific excellence in certain fields, importance of stakeholders for implementing the project results and for sustainability of the approach after ending of the project.
Quality assurance and assessment board as the role of internal QA. The board will be responsible for developing mechanisms for QA to function across institutions with agreed quality principles, concepts and process. These common criteria will be used by each partner to prepare an Annual Quality Report. These quality reports will be sent to the QA board that will analyzed them in order to reinforce specific actions for improvement.