Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Horticultural Science

Degree Programme Tutor

The Degree Programme Tutor is a useful reference point to help students in their relations with lecturers and, more in general, in the organisation of their study activities.


The tutors provide a concrete information on educational activity and help the students in all possible administrative, organizational and logistic issues. They help students in gathering and evaluating information and they support them in tailoring their studying career and mobility.

Academic Tutors. Three professors will act as tutors for IMaHS students.  The tutors will help students in facing academic, administrative issues. Tutors will provide information tailored on students need and studying path and will guide the students in the management of their study career. Academic tutors will work is strictly cooperation with the students tutor and, when it is needed,  will help him/her in specific tasks.

Student Tutor. The students will be assisted by a postgraduate student and by a lecturer. The tutors will provide to incoming students a seminar which will explain details of the master course, the timetable, the location of the lessons, the grading system, the examination procedure and the Faculty and Library organization.  The tutors will also be responsible for the continuous assistance of students on all the academics issues and for student mentoring.  The tutors will also identify the personal needs of every student during the learning process. The tutors will collect all the teaching materials of the different courses making them available to the students by a reserved-access online system. The tutors will be available to students by appointment, and, by online tutoring either scheduled or on-demand. The tutors will also assist the students in the field trips and in the laboratory trainings. Finally the tutors will assist the students in obtaining all the documentations by the Student Secretariat and the other Offices.


Academic Tutors