The Program participates the guidance events promoted by the University and organises specific activities in order to present all curricula features thus enabling students to start their studies with all the information they need.
On this page, you will find the following Guidance services:
Guidance for those who want to enrol
The University of Bologna welcomes 4th- and 5th-year Italian Secondary School students. For further information, please visit the AlmaOrienta webpage.
Meeting with first-year students
At the start of the academic year, meetings are held to talk about how the courses and the related learning activities are organised.
Open Day
From February to May, the Program organises a series of meetings that provide detailed information about admission procedures and the learning activities offered.
If you need help in selecting a Program or preparing for entrance exams, please contact the Program Tutor, who will give you information about expected learning outcomes, learning activities and career opportunities, and clarify any doubts you may have.
Guidance for enrolled students
The University provides its students with all the necessary instruments to best face their university experience, as well as all information and guidance support during their studies.
Internship contact person
The Internship contact person offers you consultancy and guidance for your choice and organisation of internship activities. In collaboration with academic tutors and designated administrative staff, they ensure coordination and exchanges with the institutions, companies and university structures hosting the intern. More information on the Internship page.
Student administration and tutor contact person
This figure manages administrative activities related to course changes and/or transfers. Directly or through indicated colleagues, they assist students who face difficulties during their university career by offering tutoring assistance for each student.
Program Internationalization contact person
This person plays a supporting role to the Program’s Coordinator with regard to internationalization activities.
Contact person for disabled and dyslexic students
The contact person for disabled and dyslexic students, coordinates assistance offered to students with disabilities, simplifies relations with the University’s Disabled and Dyslexic Student Service office, monitors recognized critical situations, and enables the assignment of students to designated teachers in order to strengthening the resources of both the student and their context.
Program Coordinator
The Program Coordinator is available to students who need to make a report or, after contacting the guidance tutors, have further difficulties especially in relation to their career and study plans.
In addition to tutoring, consultancy and internship services, the coordinator organizes useful events and activities.
You can find the Program Coordinator’s contact link on the home page.
Guidance for final-year students and graduates
The University of Bologna offers support to those who intend to continue their studies or enter the labour market.
- Job Placement
- Career Day
- Recruiting Day