Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Horticultural Science

Programme aims

The mainaim of this programme is to provide high level training to produce graduatesable to stand up to the challenges of globalisation, with a view tosustainability, protection of the environment and the economics and socialstructures (People-Planet-Profit). The degree programme is aimed at shaping internationalprofessionals with high managerial skills, able to design, manage and evaluatethe fruit and vegetable production system across the entire industry.

The programmebrings together the competencies of the University of Bologna and theUniversity of Bolzano, both located in areas in which the fruit and vegetableindustry is of crucial economic significance. Moreover, the internationalnetwork by the name of Network Hortscience - including European institutionsuch as TUM Munich, BOKU Vienna, Szent Istvàn Budapest, AGROCAMPUS Anger, HUBBerlin - states the international dimension of the degree programme. Thisnetwork offers students the chance to specialise in four different areas:Control and Optimization of Horticultural Systems; Sustainable Systems inMediterranean and Tropical Horticulture; Sustainable Fruit Production; HighValue Crops.

Within thisnetwork, bilateral agreements between institutions can be arranged to fosterstudent exchange, with the possibility of double/multiple degrees.

Englishlanguage, in which the entire programme is delivered, allows students andprofessors to share topics, opinions and specific agricultural issues and needsof different countries. Therefore, graduates must have a perfect of command ofEnglish, in addition to their mother tongue.

The programmeis worth 120 ECTS and is divided into 4 semesters, each worth 30 ECTS. Allstudents will begin the programme at UNIBO, and in the first semester, UNIBOand UNIBZ will run core course units. During the second semester methodologicalcourse units will run. The third semester run by UNIBZ is dedicated tovocational training. In the first semester it is also possible to organise ajoint Academic Basecamp, open also to guest lecturers, to put students in touchwith stakeholders, with the aim to share research proposals and ideas that canmeet the needs of the stakeholders, facilitating the access of graduates to thejob market.

Fourthsemester is dedicated to the internship, held in accredited companies, and theproduction of a dissertation, supervised by a UNIBO-UNIBZ professor, also inassociation with professors from other partner universities.