Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Horticultural Science


Professional profiles

professional profile

Expertagronomist in fruit and vegetable crops

Function in aprofessional context:
- Manages fruit and vegetableproduction companies
- Produces production andeconomic estimations for farms in relation to insurance and banking aspects
- Provides evaluations andguidelines for local and international sales and marketing policies
- Provides specialistic technicalconsulting on various aspects of farm production
- Designs urban and peri-urbanhorticultural production systems
- Manages protected/hydroponicfruit and vegetable production systems
- Designs and manages nutritionand fertilisation strategies to optimise production and minimise environmentalimpacts.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
- Ability to design and managecrop production activities
- Ability to develop innovativeand sustainable crop strategies able to maximise production efficiency andproduct quality
- Spirit of initiative,pro-active skills and autonomy
- Ability to work effectively andset priorities
- Ability to analyse and assessthe costs and benefits of possible actions in order to make the mostappropriate choices
- Problem-solving skills:gathering useful information to assess possible options, identify causes andeffects, and make decisions
- Adaptability to differentsituations and problems
- Strong interpersonal skills towork with people from different cultural and professional contexts.

Companies operating in the fruitand vegetable supply chain, public and private practical and scientificexperimental and information dissemination centres.

Expertagronomist in IPM (Integrated Pest Management)

Function in aprofessional context:
- Designs and manages integratedcrop protection strategies in farms and agri-industrial systems owned by publicagricultural institutions and private holdings
- Manages bodies monitoring thehygiene, health and quality of agricultural products.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
- Respecting the environment, theworkers and consumers, designs and manages crop and foodstuff protectionprogrammes, applying the most effective and sustainable techniques to preventand cure diseases and infestations.
- Problem-solving skills:gathering useful information to assess possible options, identify causes andeffects, and make decisions
- Ability to apply general rulesto specific problems and demonstrate the possible solutions and utility of theavailable methods and tools
- Strong interpersonal skills towork with people from different cultural and professional contexts
- Adaptability to differentsituations and problems.

Companies operating in the fruitand vegetable supply chain, public and private practical and scientificexperimental and information dissemination centres.

Expertagronomist in breeding

Function in aprofessional context:
- Designs and manages geneticimprovement programmes
- Works in private companies,garden centres and public and private genetic improvement and practical andscientific experimentation centres.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
- Ability to analyse therelationships between phenotypes and genotypes to identify which genes areresponsible for the desired features of crops
- Ability to develop molecularmarkers for the features of interest in order to establish strategies forassisted genetic improvement strategies
- Ability to prioritise thedesired genetic features in order to select several phenotypical aspects at thesame time
- Problem-solving skills:gathering useful information to assess possible options, identify causes andeffects, and make decisions
- Ability to apply general rulesto specific problems and demonstrate the possible solutions and utility of theavailable methods and tools
- Strong interpersonal skills towork with people from different cultural and professional contexts
- Adaptability to differentsituations and problems
- Performs biotechnologicalactivities to optimise the productive and reproductive efficiency ofagricultural organisms.

Companies in the fruit andvegetable supply chain, garden centres and public and private centres forgenetic improvement and practical and scientific experimentation.

Expertagronomist in fruit and vegetable supply chain management

Function in aprofessional context:
- Defines and manages supplychain and business strategies for marketing and enhancing the quality andsustainability of production.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
- Ability to analyse andinterpret economic data in different parts of the supply chain
- Ability to design and managemore effective strategies to increase the sustainability of productions whileminimising costs and waste
- Ability to analyse marketdemands, forecasting and managing effective product enhancement strategies
- Problem-solving skills:gathering useful information to assess possible options, identify causes andeffects, and make decisions
- Ability to apply general rulesto specific problems and demonstrate the possible solutions and utility of theavailable methods and tools
- Strong interpersonal skills towork with people from different cultural and professional contexts
- Adaptability to differentsituations and problems.

- Agri-food businesses (farms,wholesalers, processing companies)
- Cooperatives and consortia
- Trade associations
- Large scale retailsector/modern distribution companies
- Agro-industrial servicescompanies
- Freelance activities.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato diricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.