Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Politics and Economics

Programme aims

The aim of the second-cycle degree programme in International Politics and Economics is to train professionals working at the junction of political science, international relations and economics, who are capable of understanding and analysing political, economic and global governance matters in a comprehensive manner. The degree programme peculiarly emphasises the study of firms in a global political context and of international markets. The cultural and professional profile to be modelled is, accordingly, that of specialists who understands the international political, financial and economic architecture and, at the same time, are able to operate successfully within companies active in international markets, partly as a result of the specific business finance and competitor analysis skills developed. These professional skills are displayed by specialists in economic policies and international finance, foreign trade relations specialists, political risk specialists.

To meet the training needs of these profiles, the course of study includes some compulsory courses in the political, economic, statistical and business fields, aimed at paving the way for specialist courses. The latter, in turn, provide synergistic skills with respect to the study of markets and international relations between countries and geographical areas. The master's degree program provides adequate quantitative skills, necessary for carrying out empirical analysis of political, economic, financial and social phenomena at international level.

Accordingly, it is possible to group different courses into three macro-learning areas which provide the essential coordinates for the professional figures identified. The first area concerns International Economics and provides the required knowledge and skills that relate to the functioning of international markets and large international organizations that regulate economic relations between states. The second area of learning is that of International Politics, in which the knowledge and skills that relate to the understanding of the global political context, of the policy and decision-making systems and of international policies in the areas of environment, competition, migration, security. Finally, the third learning area is that of interdisciplinary market analysis, where ideally to place all the lessons offered by the degree program that allow figures typically involved in business contexts to collect, understand and analyse data and information useful in international markets.

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Corso di International Politics and Economics - codice 5702
The objective of the second-cycle degree programme in International Politics and Economics is to train professionals working at the crossroads of political science and international economics, who are capable of understanding and analysing… Read more