Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Interpreting


Guidance services and activities to help you choose a degree programme and at each stage of your studies.

To help you choose your career path and prepare for the admission test you can contact the Career guidance service. You will receive detailed information about the learning outcomes, career opportunities, and teaching peculiarities of this MA and find an answer to all of your queries.

Career Guidance service:

Contact person: Clelia Morigi ( 

Office hours by appointment


Career guidance for prospective students

The MA in Interpreting:

  • Takes part in events promoted by the University and organises further specific activities to illustrate the characteristics of this educational path aimed at developing two cultural and professional profiles - conference and media interpreter, and expert in technology-mediated interpreting;

  • Stages career guidance activities for students of the BA in Intercultural Language Mediation/Languages and Technologies for Intercultural Communication aimed at admission to the master’s degree in Interpreting with the opportunity to participate in some interpreting classes;

  • Stages career guidance activities with a presentation of the master’s degree Course and admission procedures for students of the Intercultural Linguistic Mediation/Languages and Technologies for Intercultural Communication BA of the Department of Interpretation and Translation and for graduates and undergraduates of other Italian and foreign three-year degree courses. The presentation can also be followed remotely;

  • Offers individualized guidance counseling in online mode, or in presence at the Forli Campus, by the guidance counselor.

Career guidance for enrolled students

At the start of the first-year classes, students are welcomed by the Course Coordinator and the career guidance tutor. The welcome includes a general presentation of the MA and its curricula, with a focus on the two respective professional profiles.

Lecturers and professors as well as the Secretariat services staff are happy to provide students with information on teaching activities, profit exams and events supporting the students’ educational path.

Teaching tutors with interpreting and linguistic skills are hired to support students, either individually or in small groups, with their language and interpreting courses. One tutor is available for each language.

In addition, at least one student-tutor is selected every year, liaising between the Course Coordinator and the MA students.

Career guidance for graduates

The MA in Interpreting periodically stages workshops dedicated to the acquisition of basic entrepreneurial skills (soft skills, problem solving skills, abilities to plan and organize, etc.), and specific activities providing information on the professional world, such as the series of meetings entitled "Becoming self-entrepreneurs" or the "Lunchtime Opportunities" events, which offer interpreting-related internships or job opportunities.