Access requirements
To be able to profitably follow the 2nd CycleDegree Programme in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development, studentsmust possess the following knowledge:
- English language (B2 level).
Admission to the 2nd cycle degree program isalso subject to the possession of the following curricular requirements:
- A 1st cycle degree in one of the following classes, or other suitable qualification obtained abroad::
- ex Italian Ministerial Decree no. 270:
L-13 Biological Sciences
L-18 Economics Sciences and Businessadministration
L-21 Town, regional and environmental planning
L-25 Agricultureand Forestry
L-27 Chemical Sciences
L-29 Pharmaceutical Sciences and technologies
L-32Environmentale and natural technologies
L-33 EconomicSciences
L-36 Political Sciences and internationalrelations
L-41 Statistics
L-43 Conservation and restoration of culturalheritage
- ex. ItalianMinisterial Decree no. 509/99 :
classe 7 (Town, regional and environmentalplanning)
classe 12 (Biological Sciences)
classe 15 (Political Sciences and internationalrelations)
classe17 (Economics Sciences and Businessadministration)
classe 20 (Agriculture, food industry andforestry)
classe 21 (Chemical Sciences)
classe 24 (Pharmaceutical Sciences andtechnologies)
classe 27 (Environmentale and naturaltechnologies)
classe 28(Economic Sciences)
classe 37(Statistics)
classe 41 (Technologiesfor conservation and restoration of cultural assets)
- Previous four-year degree programme system:
4 year degree achieved in any Faculty ofEconomics or other qualification with the same legal value
- Three-year university degree :
D. U. achieved in any Faculty of Economics orother qualification with the same legal value.
If no degree certificate and/or above-mentionedcredits have been obtained, admission to the 2nd Cycle Degree Programme issubject to the assessment by a Board to ascertain the required skills andcompetencies through the evaluation of the candidate's curriculum and any otheruseful documents.
The Board, appointed by the Degree Council,will schedule deadlines for intakes from February through December. Theschedule will published on the University of Bologna website.
If the Board considers the candidates' level ofknowledge and skills to be satisfactory, graduates will be allowed to enroll ina test to assess their personal competences and skills as follows.
Assessment of knowledge and language skills
Admission to the degree program is subject tothe assessment of knowledge and skills in the English language, attested withB2 level certification.
Students holding: a corresponding languagecertification, graduates in a degree program taught in English, English nativespeakers and graduates in English language and literature and equivalent, andgraduates with a minimum of 30 cfu in transcript of records, for teachingactivities taught in English may be exempted from sitting this exam.
The Degree Program may require students torecover any initial deficit by December 31, if they are assessed to below levelB2 on admission.
Assessment of personal competences and skills
Admission to the 2nd Cycle Degree Programme issubject to the possession of the described curricular requirements and to thepassing of a test to assess the students' personal competences and skills,which will be done as follows:
- The assessment of the candidate's curriculum,the evaluation of the previous degree, motivation letter and any other usefuldocuments that the candidate may submit to the previous mentioned Board.
Second Cycle Degree Programmes may include aspecific session for international students, appointing a Board to assesspersonal competences and skills, compatibly with the schedule laid down in thecall for applications for study grants (the deadline of which is indicativelyin May).
International students who pass theabove-mentioned entrance exam are exonerated from the following assessment oftheir personal competencies and skills required for students generally.