Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Internship for Final Examination

All the information about S.Co.Re. curricular Internship for the Preparation of the Final Examination

The curricular Internship for the Preparation of the Final Examination must be completed within the study programme. It is necessary in order to prepare the final experimental thesis and it will be mentioned during the final defence.

Applications for the Internship for the Preparation of the Final Examination can be submitted by students enrolled into the 2nd year of the SCORE Master degree programme and applicants should have completed at least 50 CFU of the SCORE programme.

In order to start the internship, students should apply following the steps and procedure outlined in the online Internships and Agreement application, after having agreed the details of the internship with the Supervisor of the thesis project (who will be the University of Bologna Tutor).

The internship cannot start until the whole procedure has been properly fulfilled.

The internship can be internal or external internship:

1.   All internal internships are conducted at University of Bologna laboratories. 

2.   All external internships are conducted at host institutions and companies, public and private, trade associations, etc. in Italy or in a foreign Country and they are governed by the specific framework-agreements with the University of Bologna. In order to fulfil the terms of these framework-agreements, students have to check in the Internships and Agreements application if host-organizations outside the University of Bologna are present.

If the host organization is present, this means that an agreement between the host organization and the University of Bologna has already been done.  Students can thus proceed with their application following the online procedure.

If the host organization is not present, it is possible to open a new agreement with Unibo.  Students have to contact the Internships Office of Ravenna Campus at least two months before the starting date of the internship in order to activate the agreement procedure.

Students can start their internship only if the specific agreement between institutions is already established and only after applying for the approval of the traininig project through the online application for internships.

In any case, students can start their internships only after having completed the procedure and printed out the Attendance Record Book.
Trainees must record day-by-day work in the Attendance Book that will prove, if required by an inspection, that they are doing an internship and are not irregularly employed.

The duration of the internship is calculated according to the number of credits related to the teaching activity, as laid down in the course structure diagram.
For internships corresponding to 18 CFU = min. 450 hours / max. 540 hours.

Once the internship is concluded, students have to upload the Attendance Book to ask for the approval of the activity to the Board through the online application, then the relevant cfu corresponding to the internship activity will be registered by the professor in charge (usually the degree programme director).
In order to have the internship approved by the Board, it is necessary that both the trainee and the host institution fill out the mandatory questionnaire regarding the internship experience in the Internships and Agreements application.

Mandatory Requirement - Health and Safety Training

It is necessary to have taken the final test to certify the achievement of the general (Module 1) and specific (Module 2-3) Health and Safety mandatory Training
After passing the test, students can download the certificate – in Italian or English – by logging into Studenti Online and going to the “Certificates and Self-certifications” page.

Insurance coverages for interns

Students are insured by the University of Bologna for injuries and against any damage they may cause and against any accident that might involve a third-party that may occur during the internship but only for the period authorized by the Internship Board.

In case of trips to locations not indicated in the approved internship program, to extend the insurance coverage the intern must send a request in advance by e-mail to the Academic Tutor - and a copy to the Tutor of the host organization and to the Internship Office - and wait for authorization via email. During the trip the student is insured for travel on foot, by public transport and as a passenger in a company car insured for the passenger.

Preparation of the Final Examination Abroad

In case the internship is performed abroad during an Erasmus/Overseas mobility period or as a consequence of being assigned a scholarship for Thesis Abroad or other kind of mobility authorized by the Degree Programme, students should follow the relevant international mobility procedure, provided that they have obtained a proper pre-approval of the project by having agreed the details of the internship  with the Supervisor of the thesis project (University of Bologna Tutor) and informed the Degree programme Director BEFORE APPLYING FOR THE MOBILITY.

In order to have the internship abroad properly recongnized once concluded, students should submit to the Degree Programme Director an evaluation report provided by the tutor in the host institution.

For further suggestions and details on HOW TO PREPARE THE FINAL EXAMINATION ABROAD please check the side box on the right INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY: the opportunities offered by S.CO.RE degree programme.