Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Final examination: modalities

To graduate, you have to sit a final examination designed to verify that you have reached the education objectives set by the Degree Programme.


In order to get graduated the S.Co.Re students have to acquire 120 credits:

- 60 credits during the first year;
- 27 credits during the second year;
- 3 credits for the thesis project;
- 30 credits for the internship (18 credits) and the final dissertation (12 credits).

Graduating students are expected to defence their final dissertation in front of a Graduation Committee (composed by up to 5 professors belonging to the Programme) that will judge the scientific quality and the presentation skills. The thesis dissertation should be prepared under the guidance of a Supervisor (relatore) and based on the results achieved during the internship experience.

Students will have approx. 20 minutes for their thesis defense: 15 minutes for the thesis presentation and 5 minutes for questions from the Final Dissertation Committee.

The FINAL EVALUATION GRADE is based on xxx/110 (possibly cum laude/with honours).
The Graduation Committee can assign to the thesis dissertation a maximum of 8 points that will be added to the final average score achieved by the student during his/her academic career. In case of graduation within the 2° year from enrollment, 1 extra point can be added. Moreover, for each exams passed with laude, the final grade can be increased of 0,05 multiplied for the number of credits of the exam.  In order to be awarded with honours/ cum laude, students may obtain a final score of at least 113/110.


The student may choose to major in a teaching course which is part of his/her two years study plan (piano di studi). In any case, the student should first ask the availability of thesis supervision to the Professor in charge of the selected course.

SUPERVISOR (relatore)

Students can choose the Supervisor among the SCORE Programme professors by directly presenting him/her their ideas or research project and asking for his/her interest and availability. The topic for the final thesis is chosen according to the personal and academic interests of both the student and the Supervisor. Once the Supervisor has accepted the thesis project an internship period follows. During this period students will gather materials to write their thesis under the guidance of the Supervisor.

IMPORTANT: Only full professors, associate professors, assistant professors (researchers) and contract professors holding a teaching activity within the University of Bologna can act as  Supervisor.


The thesis title, once agreed with the Supervisor, must be communicated to the Didactic Office (Ms. Carla Gironi) by means of the Thesis Title Module. This should be done at least 6 months before the date of the final dissertation.
In case of modification, this can be ameneded by submitting again the Thesis Title Module indicating the new title no later than one month before the date of the final dissertation. In case of more relevant modifications, such as subject and/or supervisor, the updated Thesis Title Module should be submitted as soon as the modification has been agreed and in any case no later than two months before the date of the final dissertation.



First of all, the Thesis Title Module, duly signed by the Supervisor, has to be delivered to the Didactic Office (Ms. Carla Gironi) at least 6 months before the date of the final dissertation, in order to be approved by the S.Co.Re Committee (Consiglio di Corso di Studi).

Once the Thesis Title has been approved and the Thesis Project registered, the student can start with the application for admission to the final examination. Please note that the Thesis Title entered in the online graduation application must be the same as the one reported on the Thesis Title Module and approved by the Board.

The application is to be submitted on Studenti Online and once presented is valid for the whole academic year. When submitting the application, you’ll need to select the date among those available. The application can be submitted according to the deadline set even if you haven’t completed all the exams in your study plan. Graduation applications require the payment of €32.00 in stamp duty (imposta di bollo).

Online application refers to one specific period. If the student fails to set the final examination within the session (academic year) for which he/she has applied, he/she will have to repeat the online application. There won’t be the whole graduation fee to be paid, since it has been already paid for the previous session, however the duty stamp value of €16,00 will be charged.

In order to graduate, you must have:
- sat all the exams in your study plan and had them recorded;
- paid all tuition fees;
- compiled the Alma Laurea questionnaire on Studenti Online.

The Student Administration Office will verify all requirements and will contact you if there are any issues, to allow you to regularise your position before the final examination.



One graduation session is scheduled each year. The session includes a number of dates, each with their deadlines for the submission of the graduation application, requirements and dates.

After the deadline, a late application is still possible by paying a € 100 fee(*):

Graduation session

Thesis Title  delivery


Online application 

Late online application (with extra-fee of 100€)

Possession of requisites*

Thesis upload

Online supervisor approval

July 18, 2024

I session

January 18, 2024

From April 2 to May 15, 2024


From May 16 to June 14, 2024

June 27, 2024

July 8,  2024

July 11, 2024

October 24, 2024

II session

April 24, 2024

From August 1 to September 16, 2024

  not possible

October 3, 2024

October ​14, ​2024

October 17, 2024

December 19, 2024

II session (bis)

June 20, 2024

From August 1 to September 16, 2024

From September 17 to November 15, 2024

November ​28, 2024

December 9, 2024

December ​12, 2024

March 27,   2025

III session

September 30, 2024

From December 16, 2024 to January 15, 2025

From January 16 to February 17, 2025

March 6,   2025

March ​17, 2025

March ​20, 2025


 * Possession of requisite. Within this date students should:

 a. Have paid 32.00 Euro for two duty stamps - the payment module will be automatically generated as soon as the online application will be completed;

 b. Have completed all exams, included the registration of the internship for preparation for the final examination and the Thesis Project. Please check on AlmaEsami that all your exams have been registered.

 c. Have received the pre-approval of the Supervisor. This step includes not only the approval of the title of the thesis but also the contents of the thesis that must be agreed on time with the Supervisor.

 d. Submission of the receipt of the completed AlmaLaurea questionnaire online or request for exclusion from AlmaLaurea graduates database (by sending an e-mail to the Registrar office).

Before the thesis defence students must send by e-mail a summary of the thesis (not more than 10 pages) to each component of the Graduation Committee; as for the thesis, the front page of the summary must be the title-page.


On-line application to take the final exam refers to one specific session, so that should a student fail to graduate at the session chosen, he/she must ask the Student Administration Office to annul the application and present it again online for the next session within the deadline.

If this falls in the same period and the student has already paid the graduation fee, there will be no further charges.

There will of course be the duty stamp of 16,00 Euros to pay.


  • If you graduate by the last session of the academic year (March), you are not required to pay the fees for the following academic year.
  • If you have already paid the first installment of the new academic year, you must request a refund for the regional tax from ER-GO's website at > Forms > Online form for the refund of the regional tax. The €16.00 stamp duty is not refundable.
  • If you have also paid the second installment, it will be automatically refunded by the Student Office, to which you must provide the IBAN code of a current account in your name or jointly owned or of a reloadable prepaid card of which you are the account holder and which has an IBAN code.
  • If it was your intention to graduate by the March session but you could not, you will be required to pay all installments of the new academic year along with any additional charges for late payments.

Final dissertations and graduation ceremonies shall be held in person.

Students may invite a number of guests determined by each Department based on logistics and organisation requirements. No maximum limit applies to the number of participants that can attend remotely.