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8842 - Business Administration and Management

Professional profiles

professional profile

Chartered Accountant (after passing the State Exams and registering with the Professional Register)

function in a professional context:

Chartered accountants provide consulting services in accounting, fiscal and taxation fields to both physical and legal persons. Chartered accounting activities include both general consulting (to physical and legal persons and institutional bodies) and actual administrative and accounting tasks for economic operators.

The Chartered Accountant:

· provides assistance and tax representation and consulting;

· provides business and economic advice;

· holds appointments in bankruptcy procedures;

· assists in extraordinary business operations;

· holds supervisory roles in commercial companies and other private and public institutions;

  • Works both for national and international firms and institutions.

To be admitted to the State Exam to become a Chartered Accountant, students must complete a mandatory 18-month internship, which may partly be performed during the university during the course of studies. Six learning credits are assigned to the internship.

competencies associated to the function:

Chartered Accountants' competencies include updated knowledge on fiscal, economic, legal and administrative subjects, in order to correctly perform or advise on fiscal matters and perform legal, economic and accounting evaluations of the economic and asset situation of economic operators; budget planning; evaluations for company liquidations; asset evaluation for succession purposes; social security contributions for individual employees; administrative audits; investment consulting for small savers.

In the international field, they must be familiar with European Union fiscal and legal regulations as well as the specifics of international accounting principles (IAS-IFABS).

Chartered Accountants may perform audits and other specific tasks performed in their role as technical consultant for courts. To provide consulting services to businesses working internationally, they must have a strong knowledge of the English language and be able to use the most common tax and accounting computer software.

career opportunities:

- Professional firms

- Public institutions

- Private businesses

Administrative Director

Auditor (Financial Statement auditor and certifier)

function in a professional context:

Administrative Directors oversee the operations of the administrative department and manage company accounts as a whole, in connection with key company stakeholders (banks, Revenue Agency, suppliers, etc.):

· They are in charge of the administrative department, drafting financial statements, in cooperation with banks and other external stakeholders, and updating VAT records.

· They deal with goods invoicing, company finance evaluations, and maintain relations with suppliers. They draft financial statements, manage tax returns, general and industrial accounting ledgers, relations with the tax offices, reporting.

· They manage the administrative accounts, coordinate the staff of the department and maintain relations with banks.

· They coordinate the administrative staff and report to the general management of the company.

· They oversee the general business accounts, and draft the financial statements supported by other department staff. They oversee the accounting records, relations with banks, invoicing and drafting of financial statements. They manage the accounts and coordinate the accounting staff.

· In small and medium enterprises, they perform activities similar to those of the accounts director and the administrative manager which generally demand a higher level of training to that of the accounting staff, and also hold coordinating roles.

competencies associated to the function:

Specialist knowledge, skills and abilities are required to perform the above functions in the economic, administrative and accounting fields. They must have strong organisational and resource management skills.

Competencies are particularly required in the following fields:

- Administrative, accounting and regulatory fields. In legal areas they shall have regulatory and administrative knowledge and skills, particularly concerning regional, provincial and municipal regulations. Knowledge of European regulations is also of fundamental importance, considering the onerous consequences of procedural violations for businesses working

not only at local level.

- In the regulatory field, they will be able to adapt to the innovations introduced by modifications to the applicable regulations.

- They will be able to perform administrative and financial audits on projects and/or training actions.

- They will be able to exploit and understand the potential of new technologies.

- They will be able to use and manage new accounting and administrative application software.

- They will be able to work in a team.

career opportunities:

- Private businesses

- Public institutions

- Consultant for bodies and businesses

Auditor (Financial Statement auditor and certifier)

function in a professional context:

Auditors analyse the company accounts, checking that they are kept regularly, that the management issues are correctly reported in the accounting entries, and that the financial statements comply with the regulations reporting true and fair representation of the firm activity. They are required to express an opinion on the asset situation and the financial and economic soundness of the company, certifying the accounts as a guarantee of the economic viability of the business.


- Working also as external auditor, audit the accounts and accounting documents, providing technical, civil and criminal legal advice;

- Prepare financial summaries and statements as well as periodical balance sheets and annual financial statements;

- Analyse the accounts and the financial results;

- Review and organise the accounting system and procedures; provide tax advice;

- Provide legal and business advice and assistance and financial consulting services to draft investment and funding plans.

competencies associated to the function:

Auditors must possess competencies in the regulatory and accounting field used to assess the correct management of the company within national and international regulations.

They must also possess organisational skills in order to plan their work within the company.

They must be able to perform operating and management risk analyses of the company activities.

In order to assess whether the business is compliant, they may also run simulations and suitability tests using computer tools. This requires appropriate technical and computing skills.

Appropriate knowledge of the English language is required to support the internationalisation of many business activities.

career opportunities:

- Private businesses (as Director of Finance)

- Public institutions

- Auditing firms

- Independent Consultant for private businesses and public institutions.

Business Manager

function in a professional context:

Business Managers are in charge of a sector or department of a private company or a body of the public administration. They play a strategic role, allowing the organisation to achieve the important business objectives set.

Business managers:

- Support the company management in market analyses, using advanced qualitative and quantitative tools, and in strategic planning, using advanced business planning, business development and competition analysis methods.

- Support the company management in real and financial investment strategies, maintaining relations with external funding sources.

- Manage the company's internationalisation processes, also identifying the most efficient organisational methods.

- Analyse demand and adopt marketing and customer relations strategies.

- Manage the company's technological and organisational changes.

- In financial and administrative fields, they manage and coordinate the internal administration and financial transactions

- of the company or organisation, according to the instructions of the general directors and managing directors and in collaboration with the managers of other business areas or sectors.

- In small and medium enterprises they play a managerial and coordinating role, analysing the markets and the competition, overseeing sales and marketing activities, management control, planning and financial control.

They cooperate with the company management for service activities (customer relationship management, management

of business processes and HR, etc.).

competencies associated to the function:

Specialist knowledge, skills and abilities are required to perform the above functions in the economic field.

- Technical competencies including basic administrative, economic and strategic knowledge acquired during the study programme;

- Managerial skills, including the ability to motivate a group, delegate, effectively and efficiently organise the work, and planning skills;

- Interpersonal skills, and be able to work in a team;

- Strategic skills in understanding the company objectives and tactical skills to adapt the processes in place in order to achieve them;

- Language skills, particularly knowledge of the English language.

career opportunities:

- Small or medium private companies working in industrial and service sectors (as head of sales, marketing, purchasing, management control, etc.)

- Medium or large private companies working in industrial and service sectors (as head or director of sales, marketing, purchasing, management control, or as general director, financial director, services manager, etc.)

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master universitario di secondo livello.