PERIOD: Class period
1= from 30/09/2024 to 20/12/2024
2= from 17/02/2025 to 16/05/2025
E= from 30/09/2024 to 20/12/2024 and from 17/02/2025 to 16/05/2025
SSD: Disciplinary area
CFU: ECTS Credits
First Year
1. Attività obbligatorie - Compulsory Activities
2. Gruppo di scelta 1 (Discipline linguistiche I anno - Linguistic disciplines first year) (6 CFU)
This set includes language and linguistics courses for the range of languages made available by the programme (apart from English, these are Chinese, French, German, Russian and Spanish). In their first year, students choose the learning activity for a language they already know at a self-certified B2 CEFR level, following advice from the teacher in charge of the activity. This set also includes a module of Italian L2-Advanced offered to improve competences for non Italian mother tongue students.
3. Gruppo di scelta 2 Pratica professionale e ricerca applicata - Professional Practice and Applied Research (18 CFU)
This learning activity consists of an internship and a research activity related to the topics covered by the internship. The research activity is carried out under the guidance of an academic tutor and possibly a representative of the company or institution in which the internship is carried out.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held
1: 30/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
2: 17/02/2025 - 16/05/2025
E: 30/09/2024 - 16/05/2025
cfu ? Credits
37840 |
Internship LM
1 |
10 |
B3520 |
Profession-Based Research.
2 |
8 |
4. A scelta dello studente - Electives (10 CFU)
The 10 credits for Electives can be acquired by means of up to 2 learning activities assessed by means of standard examinations (with marks out of 30). Activities assessed by means of pass/fail exams, known as "idoneità", are not allowed. Students can choose from among learning activities made available by the Degree programme and Department (including workshops), or that are offered by other programmes of the University of Bologna. These learning activities should be coherent with the programme learning objectives.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held
1: 30/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
2: 17/02/2025 - 16/05/2025
E: 30/09/2024 - 16/05/2025
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs
cfu ? Credits
35520 |
Publishing techniques
1 |
L-FIL-LET/10 |
6 |
84929 |
Game and Software Localization
2 |
ING-INF/05 |
6 |
86312 |
Media Linguistics
2 |
L-FIL-LET/12 |
6 |
Second Year
1. Attività obbligatorie - Compulsory Activities
2. Gruppo di scelta 1 (Competenze traduttive aggiuntive - II anno) Language-specific set 2 (Additional translation competences - Second year) (6 CFU)
Il gruppo di scelta comprende insegnamenti di discipline traduttive delle lingue straniere attivate (oltre alla combinazione inglese-italiano, le combinazioni linguistiche cinese-italiano, francese-italiano, russo-italiano, spagnolo-italiano, tedesco-italiano). Lo studente al II anno sceglie un insegnamento di traduzione da una lingua straniera in italiano o dall’italiano in una lingua straniera di cui possieda già una competenza autocertificata di livello pari al B2 QCER o equivalente, di concerto con il docente responsabile dell’insegnamento; in alternativa sceglie l’insegnamento di Audiovisual Translation.
This set includes translation courses for the range of language combinations made available by the Degree programme (apart from English-Italian, these are Chinese-Italian, French-Italian, German-Italian, Russian-Italian and Spanish-Italian). In their second year, students choose the learning activity for a translation course from a foreign language into Italian or from Italian into a foreign language that they already know at a self-certified B2 CEFR level, following advice from the teacher in charge of the activity; alternatively, they choose the Audiovisual Translation course.
Al secondo anno gli studenti devono scegliere due attività formative nel gruppo Professional Skills, per un totale di 6 CFU. Le attività non scelte all’interno del gruppo possono essere scelte come insegnamenti opzionali.
In the second year, students have to choose two training activities in the Professional Skills set, for a total of 6 ECTS. Activities that were not chosen within this set can be taken as elective courses.
Al secondo anno gli studenti devono scegliere un'attività formativa integrata da 6 CFU, nel gruppo Research Skills. Le attività non scelte all’interno del gruppo possono essere scelte come insegnamenti opzionali.
In the second year, students have to choose a training activity of 6 ECTS, in the Research Skills set. Activities that were not chosen within this set can be taken as elective courses.
5. Prova finale LM - Final Examination LM (20 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held
1: 30/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
2: 17/02/2025 - 16/05/2025
E: 30/09/2024 - 16/05/2025
cfu ? Credits
84551 |
Internship abroad for preparation for the final examination
1 |
12 |
84549 |
Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination
1 |
12 |
96726 |
Master's Dissertation
E |
17 |
97676 |
Master's Dissertation (5 CFU)
E |
5 |
84548 |
Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad
E |
12 |
96727 |
Service Learning
E |
3 |