Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Specialized translation

Agreement of interuniversity cooperation with Universidad de Rosario - Argentina (UNR)

Laurea Magistrale in Specialized Translation (UNIBO) – Título de Licenciatura en Traducción en Inglés (UNR)

Since the a.y. 2018/2019 the Department of Interpretation and Translation (DIT) of the University of Bologna at the Forlì Campus has offered the opportunity to take part in an agreement of interunivesity cooperation between the Master’s Degree Programme in Specialized Translation (UNIBO) and the Título de Licenciatura en Traducción en Inglés (UNR).

Each academic year, a maximum of three UNIBO and of three UNR students can take part in the programme.

As defined in the agreement, the UNIBO students will attend a whole academic year – that is, two semesters at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario in Argentina.

Every year students are selected through an official call for applications published at the end of the UNIBO summer exam session.

Students need to have both English and Spanish as their core subjects.

At the end of the two-year Master’s Degree, students graduate in Specialized Translation (UNIBO) and in Traducción en Inglés (UNR).

For further information please contact:

Prof.ssa María Jesús González


International Mobility Office