Administrative procedures to follow for graduating
In Italy students "apply" to graduate in a certain Appello di laurea (graduation session). There are three sessions per year, and students choose one. After submitting a dissertation, they defend it in front of a graduation panel (and usually of family and friends) and obtain the title on the same day.
They are eligible to graduate once they have acquired all the credits required by their study plan, apart from those for the final examination (15 ECTS credits).
This page explains the procedures involved. For any doubts, please do not hesitate to contact the Teaching Office.
Students wishing to be admitted to the final examination must, by the deadlines listed below, first:
Graduation sessions A.Y. 2024/2025 | First deadline by which the application to graduate must be submitted | Last deadline for the submission of the application with a surcharge payable |
Second deadline:
Third deadline Approval of final title and dissertation |
21 and 22 July 2025 |
by 15 May 2025 |
16 June 2025 |
27 June 2025 |
30 June 2025 |
17 - 18 - 19 December 2025 |
by 15 September 2025 |
03 November 2025 |
26 November 2025 |
01 December 2025 |
18 – 19 - 20 March 2026 |
by 15 January 2026 |
20 February 2026 |
25 February 2026 |
02 March 2026 |
*NB: it is not necessary for all exam passes to have been recorded by this date – this must be done by the second deadline, by which time all exams must have been passed and the dissertation submitted.
It is not possible to submit the graduation application after the second deadline.
For the first deadline students have to pay 32 € for two tax stamps.
If the application is submitted for the second deadline there is a supplementary payment of 100 €.
All payments can be made online using Studenti Online or at any branch of the Unicredit bank by printing the on-line payment code.
What students must do
To be admitted to defend their dissertations and graduate students must have:
Students wishing for whatever reason to withdraw from the graduation examination must immediately inform the Students Office by e-mail (, using their University e-mail address ( and indicating as the subject of the e-mail “RINUNCIA LAUREA”.
NB: degree fees already paid remain valid for the entire academic year.
By the second deadline all outstanding fees must have been paid and all exam results recorded. You can check the latter on the "Certificati e Autocertificazioni" section of Studenti Online.
The Students Office will carry out a final check to ensure that students have completed the course requirements and paid all outstanding fees (though not necessarily by the second deadline) and will contact students by e-mail solely in the case of any anomalies.
By the third and final deadline the dissertation, supervisor must have approved the final title of the degree dissertation.
NB: Students must ensure that the supervisor has approved the final TITLE of the dissertation online at, as well as the DISSERTATION itself. This title will appear in the official graduation document and degree certificates.
The graduation application is valid for the entire Academic Year. Should a student not graduate during the session for which s/he applied, s/he must reapply using the Studenti Online webpage for another session by the third and final deadline without any payment being necessary.
If, however, the new application is submitted in the following Academic Year, it will be necessary to repay the cost of the tax stamps, but not the graduation fee or the payment for the degree parchment (except to pay any differences due to increased costs).
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To be completed a few days before Master's Thesis Dissertation